What the caterpillar?!

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I was totally upstairs but only for a couple of seconds before I decided to sneak down and it really was a good thing because now I knew that the police knew who it was. The only thing that was bothering me was that it was actually day and not only that but what was I supposed to do?

I mean the breaks were almost over and I was supposed to attend Aldera for the last half of the year but only went there bit by bit. Not only that but I didn't had any certificats or anything at all. Now was the first time I was actually thinking about this. Up until now there was no future for me but they were both teachers of UA and not only that but if I had my lycense then maybe I could do this without hiding?

It would certainly be worth a try.


I remember they said ther is a laptop in the drawer and I could use it if I needed to.

Whelp now is the time.

Let's see what are the requirement for actually becoming a hero.

I mean it can't be that bad right?

Without even thinking much, I decided I would look and do a little research about this. So I took the laptop out and started working on it. Not only that but it was actually quite simple and the problem was that I needed an ended school certificate and not only that but all hero schools were not about to take in another kid since the exams were over.

Guess this will not be possible.

Maybe if I ask them?

Oh that reminds me.

I went down because I wanted to ask something.

Totally forgot about this after listening and hearing what they said about the Skinner.

They should be both downstairs.


I am also starting to get hungry. 

I wonder if they will let me buy the stuff and also be the one to prepare something?

I was on the laptop for I think about 3 hours doing some research about the hero schools and everything else. It was all of a sudden that I got an interrest in it. Up until now, I knew I could have never dreamed about this at all. It was just something soo far fetched but now. I had Aizawa and Yamada both which are heroes and teachers there as my parents. There was a slight chance they would accept me.

So I went downstairs only to stumble right at a caterpillar alying on the ground. Like seriously, I didn't even watch for this at all. How was I supposed to see someone being in a damn sleeping bag right here in the middle of the well passage way?

This untimitely made me trip and fall down face first with a big uff. Let's say I have made up with the floor soo many times that we were already best friends and it didn't wanted to hurt me a lot.

Mic: Oh my god! Are you okay?

Mic immediately ran to me and help me up while Aizawa was still there fast asleep. Just one look backwards and I could see a person laying there. Up until now I thought there was laying something there, maybe decoration of some sort but not Aizawa.

Is that for real now?

And you still fast alseep?

The heck?!

Shouldn't you... I don't know?

Wake up because I just walked over you or something?


Come on!

You are a hero!

You should wake up from this and not continue to sleep.

It seems that Mic saw my look and he immediately bursted out laughing. 

Me: Is this normal? I mean... is he okay?

Mic: Oh yeah, he is fine. He sometimes does this.

Me: Does he personalize himself with a caterpilar or something.


Me: I wasn't joking.

Mic: Oh I wish Sho would hear you.

Me: No, for real now.

Mic: No. He is just tired after working for 3 days straight.

Me: 3 days no sleep or something?

Mic: Yes.

Me: Oh.

Mic: Anyways, we also were around you too and he had to still do his job since they didn't wanted to let him take off days.

Me: Oh..

Mic: But more importantly are you okay?

Me: Ah yeah. Is he tho?

Mic: Don't worry. That happened to me too and he was fine afterwards.

Me: Okay...

Mic: Did you wanted something?

Me: Ah yeah, I wanted to ask you something.

Mic: Shoot.

Me: Do you have plans for food? If not, I wanted to ask if I can go to the local market where I usually go and get some stuff and cook.

Mic: That would be beautiful and I am coming with you.

Me: Okay.

Mic: That's not all is it now?

Me: No.

Mic: You can tell me everything, you know.

Me: I wanted to ask about school.

Mic: Oh right, we still didn't told you now, did we?

Me: Mh?

Mic: We are actually getting you into UA and since we know now who you are, you will be in Sho's cla-

That was all he had to say before I tackled him into a hug. I was just soo happy. It was a short thought but I never really believed that I could get into UA. Now that he said they would get me inside it was just joy and nothing more than that.

Mic: Wow, what's up with you?

Me: I never thought I would continue school.

Mic: Oh... nope. You gonna get the full treatment in this households little listener. Don't worry about a thing in here Izu.

Me: Kay.

Mic: So how about we go and get food now. I love this hug but I am starting to get hungry and knowing Sho he will be up in about 2 or 3 hours for a coffee and some food before he get's back to sleep.

Me: Mh!

Just like this we got out and went to the street I always patrolled. I still know that there was this one local supermarket which had basically anything and then there was this vegetable and fruit shop right besides it or a couple of shops ahead from it to be percisely.

It was the moment we got inside that the fruit and vegetable shop owner who came to me since she knew me as Parallax too. Sometimes I would drop by to help her close off the shop after all.

Shop owner: Oh Izuku, nice to see you again. Who did you bring in here this time?

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