... *sigh* ...

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Aizawa's POV:

I really couldn't believe what this kid just said. It was crazy. How could he think that he deserved it because he was quirkless. Everything about that sentance was wrong. Everything about the way he talking about himself was wrong and made me worried. I knew me and Zashi came to the orphanage to find a good kid but haven't decided which one to get yet. He said we had to get this "little listener" the moment he saw me jump away from him. 

No one ever made me jump away and managed to get close to me this perfectly. I was an undergound hero and for him to be able to do this meant that this kid was trained to hide his presence and be stealthy. That could also just mean one thing. He had problems at home. No one in his age should be able to do that.

Then there was the fact he could just climb up a wall to get on that damn window which and none of us was able to find him. It was really odd and weird. It all pointed towards him being abused to a very bad extend. 

There was also the problem with the scars and marks I found on his body and even know. These marks on his arm were not from someone beating him up. I knew them all to well. I knew them because I used to cut myself too.

It were dark times and back then I had Zashi to pull me out from it. My quirk was villainous and I got a lot of crap because of that but what got me into cutting were my own parents who hated my quirk and seeing me. This was why I was very sensitive when it comes to problem childrens with abusive parents and this kid was on a whole other level where I was scared that the moment I let him get back home, I would find him dead.

The hell happened to you?

How many times do you even cut yourself kid?

Did you even try to kill yourself?

Are you suicidal?

What happened?

Quirkless.... That is not a reason for this.

It is one hell of a dumb reason. 

You are too young to have these lifeless eyes. The gaze you give me is not one from a child but someone who went through a lifetime worth of time.

What happened to you?

I need to get you out of your home immediately.

I don't care what it is but I will find a reason for you to be safe.

I promise!

I will not stand by and let you experience more horrible stuff.

I wanted to say something against that statement but before I could say something this staff memeber from the ambulance bursted out at the kid. It was definitelly not the way to do this but it was one way and it was better than no way. I could only say that I was happy that they were both reacting in shock and not hate.

This kid couldn't take more hate. I saw it in him. He accepted everything people were telling him and it was dangerous. If my judgement wasn't off then that meant he was closer to death than any living person should be.


Me: *sigh*

Staff 1: Calm down and stop screaming at the kid.

Staff 2: Did you see his arm? How can I calm down. I want to murder the people who did this to him.

Staff 1: I get your feeling but you know how quirkless people are treated.

Staff 2: I know and I hated it.... anyways! Kid you are a good child. You don't desvere this no one does.

I saw him just being quiet. He seemed shocked by the outburst too but more than shocked, he was surprised. It was definitelly his first time hearing something like this. That fact was this obvious to everyone.

Me: *sigh* Problem child, if there is anything you need. Give me a call.

Staff 2: YEAH! Give this hobbo a call.

Staff 1: You didn't just call a hero a hobbo...

Staff 2: I did and so what?

Staff 1: I am sorry sir. He is a bit blunt.

Me: *sigh* It's fine. I get this a lot.

Staff 1: And you get some sense into you while we are working.

Staff 2: I am just sating the truth and you know I can't lie since it is my quirk's drawback.

Kid: What drawback?

It seemed that this has pearked the kids interrest since for the first time since I met this child, his eyes were glittering and he seemed honestly interrested in it. 

So a quikless kid with an interrest in quirks... GREAT!

This is a bad combination.

He has great analysing skills tho.

They might be because he loves them soo much.

I am glad he has something he enjoys in life.

There is still hope for him.

I will turn the situation.

I will make him happy again and if it is the last thing I do.

I never saw any kid being this way.

Even the kids getting rescqued by heroes are not like this.

I've seen soo much in all my time being a hero and I could tell this much for sure. He was the kid that needed most attention and help. Normally kids that go missing and are held captive for years were in a bad state but this kid was in an even worse state. It was to the point I was scared to even bring him to Hound Dog or RG. Both of them would try help his mental state but from what I could see it was way too early for that. He wasn't ready for any of these help. What he needed now was attention and love.

This kid didn't get any for soo long. The way he shrieks back and the way he was looking and a bit flinching at times when people tried to come closer or touch him was just... it was a bad sign. I hated it.

I have to talk to Zashi.

We will get this kid into our house and if it is the last thing we do!

He needs help!

He needs it badly.

Just like that I decided to keep a close eye on him. Needless to say that I knew that I was about to meet his mother and inspect his home. There was no way I would let this kid alone to die. 

As a hero it was unforgivable.

As a man who went through an abusive householt it was worse.

And as a person this was just soo sad and scary.

I knew I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I would let this kid die. He was after all a bright child and a very carying one too. This much I could tell just by the way he acted with the kids in the orphange.

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