Anything else you wanna say?

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So the day of the exercise finally came and before I went to the actual place it would go down, my dad dragged me to the hero support class section. There it was that I met up with Power Loader. He seemed to be excited.

PL (Power Loader) : ah there you are.

Me( whispering): we aren't late, are we?

Dad: No.

Wait. If we aren't late then why is he actually acting as if we kept him waiting for hours?

I don't like this atmosphere either.

What's up with him?

Is he high on something?

I looked at my father clearly confused and unsure what to do. All my dad did was ruffle my hair and then smile at me.

Dad: He is always like that after a great invention.

PL: This is a masterpiece!

That was all before we went inside and I was met with a manikin that had something on. It looked as if it was my size tho I never told them what my size was or anything at all.

It looked villainous but also how do I say

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It looked villainous but also how do I say... A bit old fashioned as well. Seeing the boots and the long sleves and everything I kinda thought that I was on a movie set of some pirat film or assassination attempt.

Still I liked it.

PL: Try it on!

Me: How about I bring it with me... I am running late to teach the class otherwise.

PL: No. I have to see how it looks on you.

Me: ...

He really looks exited about this and he really was close to begging me to try it on. So I ended up doing it not even thinking what he said or asked. Not like I needed to change there too. It also was better to change here than there. I wanted to scare class 1A as well as show them that this was no joke. I wasn't about to go at them half heartedly.

This was life!

They had to be prepared for it.

And I would be the one training them for it!

Of course I had my very own class after this too. I was also looking forward to it since this whole week Nezu tested my skill level and told me that from today o ward he would teach me all the necessities and what I was lacking too.

Once I was dressed, or more like coming out of the make shift dressing room, PL started circling me and looked satisfied too.

PL: You good to go like this.

Me: How do I even look?

Dad: Villainous.

Me: Hahaha very funny.

Dad: It fits you good.

PL: Agree.

Me: Thanks for doing this for me.

PL: No problems. It was challenging and fun anyways.

With that me and my dad left the room and went toward ground beta. This was where we would hold a small capture the villain exercise.

I am exited!

Let's see if they can even touch or scratch me.

I highly doubt that.

I even bet they would be out in 5 minutes.


Actually make it 3.

When I got to the classroom and walked in, everyone was silently looking at me. This costume sure had its effect. I could literally feel them looking at me and trying to see something, a weakness maybe? No. These eyes that were looking at me right now where definitely underestimating their opponent.

Me: I see you are all dressed up appropriately! Respect you guys have some brains at least.

Did I ignore their eyes while I was walking past them?

Totally but I also enjoyed it since they would come soon to realize what mistake they just did.

Me: As you know today we are doing a villain vs. Hero exercise in which I will be playing the villain. Now let me explain the rules first.

It was really simple rules since they were to their advantage too. First of they are about to get to attack me in teams of two since most heroes never go solo. A lot of people think they do but that isn't true. Behind most of the villain attacks there was always a team on standby not to mention about the team which assets all the information so that they would be successful.

Something these people had to learn was team work. It wasn't only fighting. It was more than that. Information gathering was key and these heroes would never get it since they had people do it for them but in my case, I was a vigilante. I had to do  everything myself if I wanted to survive.

Me: Okay so you know the drill. You guys will come at me by teams of two. Go at me as if I were really a villain. Don't worry tho, you can't injure me. I am wearing some specially made costume for this event.

Let's see how many will catch on to the fact what I just said.

I doubt there will be a lot of them but still... 

Who knows....


I don't have much faith in them.

Me: Any questions?

I looked around and there was actually one hand raised and it surprised me to see that it was Bakugo had his arm raised.

Me: Yes Dandelion.


Me: Wan't me to chuck... let's see... oh yes, want me to chuck this at you?

I grabbed the dagger which was on my side and I had it warningly in my hand. Of course I meant what I was saying for real and I would chuck my dagger at him. The results would either be piercing his skin or just injuring him. Oh well, I was sure I could live with the consequences and anything that would come with it.

Bakugo: ....

Me: Now what is your question.

Bakugo: Do we need to hold back?

Me: Nope. I think I said this already, didn't I? Whelp anyways, you are expected to go full out on me. I have my own tricks up my sleeves. Besides that, I can still dodge and for my own safety we have Aizawa as well as All Might as the judge for todays excercise waiting in the observation room right there.

As I pointed to a place where you could see some glass, I also waved my father and smiled. Oh yes, I was exited and more than ready for this. 

Me: Now then, let's start!

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