Shock as a Realization

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I couldn't believe it. It was just soo unreasonable for this hero to tell me what he just said. In the end I was left blinking at Eraserhead not getting or being able to understand what he just told me. It was just soo sureal. It was completly different from what I expected.

Me: You really think....

It can't be!

I mean I am all for it but...

Did he really say he would support such heroes?

Maybe because he has a villainous quirk?

I mean his quirk is pretty good and everything plus he is basically fighting quirklessly too.... but supporting a quirkless hero would be his doom.

Eraserhead: Yes. I really think it is possible for them. We live in a technical advanced society after all.

Again... I couldn't believe what he was saying. It was as if he was speaking alien to me and I was the human to me. At this point I was ready to even question if this man was sane and human. What he was saying didn't even sound a bit normal at all. Maybe the normal I knew wasn't normal or this guy lost it completly. Who knows? I sure wasn't someone to even question things.

Me: ....

Eraserhead: *sigh* More importantly right now, are you okay?

Me: ...

If he was supporting quirkless people that means he will get hated.

He is an undergound hero, so he should be fine.

But still he would get more hate plus he would need to step out of the shadows to do so.

No, no, no what are you thinking Izuku!

You can't be a hero.

I am Parallax!

I a work against the law!

I am as good as a criminal!

I can't be a hero!


I wish I could be one... I really wish...

Eraserhead: Kid?

Not answereing his call, I started thinking about some other stuff. Incidicences where I clearly broke the law. I mean I broke into things, I hit people and I also was fighitng with very dangerous and sharp objects like Daggers, throwing knifes as well as needles which are covered in a liquid that could paralize people. I did too many bad things to even be able to think of becoming a hero. It was simply put impossible for me. I became Parallax and now I had to live as Parallax too.

Eraserhead: *sigh*

I heard a snapping sound right in front of me which snapped me out of my thoughts and I could see the hero still snapping to get my attention until I looked him into his eyes. They were filled with worry which wasn't good.

Me: Huh?

Eraserhead: Are you okay kid?

Me: Oh yeah, I am fine.

Eraserhead: You sure?

Me: Mh.

Eraserhead: *sigh* Nearly getting suffocated and you call it fine.

Me: I am really not hurt.

Eraserhead: Tell that the people in the hospital.

Me: What?

Eraserhead: I called for an ambulance.

Me: Why? I am fine.

Eraserhead: Kid, you are not and this is protocoll.

Me: Oh...

I didn't know about these things but I somehow still doubted that it was protocoll. There was really no way that this was protocoll at all. I mean why would he be this patient with me. He could just leave me here right after the ambulance arrived but why? Why was it that this hero insisted to come with me?

I didn't get it.

It was an enigma for me.

It was right after he said that it was protocoll that the ambulance arrived. They looked at me and the hero before Eraserhead went to them and started explaining a bit. I couldn't hear much what he was saying but from what I could gather he told them to check my lungs because I was suffocated by a sludge villain and he didn't wanted any health issues on me. 

After that he started fighting with these people to bring him with them eventho I told them I didn't need the hero. Well one thing is for sure, he could scare people with his quirk easily. The moment he activated it and looked at them, they all backed away and agreed with him.

This was how I got into the ambulance car with this guy right by my side while the others were checking up on me making sure after the scare and all that I was really good.

Staff 1: Kid, can you tell me your name?

Me: Izuku.

Staff 1: Okay Izuku, do you have any pain?

Me: No.

Staff 2: Do you feel a pressure in your chest?

Me: A bit.

Staff 2: Okay, how is breathing going on? Is it easy or hard.

Me: Easy.

Staff 1: I'll give you this IV since you seem to be a bit skinny, just in case.

Me: Mh.

He rolled up my sleeve and that was when he stopped in track. There were soo many self inflicted cuts. It was completly covered with scars. Some from me, some from Bakugo and some from my mom. They were all visible on my pale skin.

Staff 1: Kid, be honest, do you have any problems at home?

Me: No, why?

Staff 1: *sigh* 

Staff 2: What's wrong?

The other staff memeber was too busy checking everything else on me to have seen the scars. Personally I didn't mind them and didn't cared to show them. They were after all proof how stupid I was and how weak my mind is. They were part of me but what I did hat was showing it to a hero since they would need to interfere which I didn't wanted at all. That would only mean more complications.

Well once the other staff asked and the first one just focused on my arm, the other one saw it too. It was at that moment that I heard that staff member sight too.

Staff 2 (whispering): Why? He is such a young kid! He doesn't deserve it!

Me: Sir, I am quirkless. I do deserve this.

The moment I said that I not only shocked the hero by saying that but also these two staff memebers apparently because they stopped doing what they were doing and looked at me in horror. It was clearly written all over their faces.

Did I say something wrong?

I mean it isn't a lie.

I do deserve these!

I am just soo dumb!

I am useless.

I am weak.

I am a bother and a waste of space.

I don't deserve this life.

It's useless for me.

Why are they reacting like this tho?

It's normal.

Why would they just look at me so shocked and terrified?

I didn't lie.

I didn't do anything wrong.

Parallax (Suicidal Vigilante Deku)Where stories live. Discover now