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As I threw the daggers at them and they managed to hit and hurt both of them, they started screaming. Of course I didn't mind that at all. To the contrary it was more like the screams I started thinking these souls of the dead people were screaming at the explotions and while their body was burning.

Villain 1: What the..... SHIT!

It was only then that I landed right in front or more like back on them and then they turned around and faced me. Both of their eyes went wide when they saw me. I could only imagine what went through their minds but what came out of ones mouth next surprised me a bit.


Villain 1: SHIT!

Oh so you know where you guys are!

How dare you even attack my place when you know who is protecting it?


Poor people!

Did you ever think what would happen to them?


The moment this villain did point out who I was, they started running even with the daggers in their back but it was already to late since I went full on and charged at them. I was fast even though I was quitkless and so I threw myself on the ground to slide and get them on their kness. 

It was rather easy to do that since I just used my other daggers and cut them right at the back of their knees kaps. Of course I knew how dangerous that was and that I could kill them but I also knew that if I was doing this right, I could damage their knees for their entire life making them handycaped. 

That wasn't something they didn't deserved. The lifes they killed was at my stake. It was my fault and it was more their fault for everything and I wanted to let them pay for this. 

Oh don't be such pussies!

You guys made this mess!

Now I am just cleaning up after you all!

How dare you even think about escaping?

What about all the lives that you lots killed?

What about the innocent people sleeping there?

What about the children that ran away and wanted to rest for a night?

What about the people who were thrown out of their homes and went there to rest?


Was it fun?

Was it something you guys had to do?

Of course when I slit the back of their legs, I also went up on my own legs and was stranding watching them crumble to the ground screaming.

Villain 1: Please!

Villain 2: Don't kill us.

As if I ever killed a person. I never killed anyone at all. It was an unreasonable request. I was certainly not gonna kill them. That was something they didn't deserve at all. I would make their lives worse than death. They just didn't deserved to die this easy. In my oppinion they should go through a lot of pain for what they did to these people.

Me: Kill... Oh I am not gonna kill you.


Villain 2: We are sorry.

Me: Sorry? SORRY?!

Villain 1: SHUT IT!

Me: You sorry for killing all the homeless people inside there?

Villain 2: Wait... there were homless people inside?

Villain 1: SHUT IT!


Villain 1: SO WHAT?! This was just try out anyways.

Villain 2: I never signed up for this shit! You never told me about killing someone!

Villain 1: Deal with it.

This one villain started stobbing and had a mental breakdown. It was honestly not played. I could tell that much and he, in my opinion redeemed himself a bit, the guilt he will feel for life would make everything worse than just to kill him or hurt him more. I knew how much guild was doing to a person. I felt guilty for them as well but I felt more burdoned with everything. 

My life was already at a point where I would gladly choose death but I couldn't. I tried or more like failed and then there was also the thing that my own guilt was telling me not to because what would I do with all the responsibility I had?

It was only after the first attempt or failed one that I actually came to the terms that what would happen if I left these streets on their own. These two villains were the best example. No one would care about the peoples and the heroes didn't had this street on their patroll route. The criminal rate would spike up again and it will be all gone for nothing.

Villain 1: TSK! What a cry baby he-

Before he could say anything more, I hit his face and I did punch him good because I heard his nose breaking. It was more than ust a breaking sound and he was immediatelly starting to bleed as well as spit out a tooth. 

It just pissed me off soo much that I even stabbed the guy right in his lungs. Now the thing with a punctiated lung was that there was actually just a very slim chance of him daying from it. The pain was real and I knew how hard it was to breath with a knife in your chest. 

My mom did that once to me but I was lucky it was a fruit knife, a very small one which just did barely got into my lungs. Still they filled themselves with blood and that would make it hard for him to breath and the pain was something else too.

Thankfully I switched to a small knife which I had around my waste and could easily get rid of. So I just stabbed him and let him collapse there.

Villain 2: I beg you! Please!

Me: Don't worry. The mark on your shoulder is enough to make you remember what happened today!

Villain 2: I will tell the police everything. I will turn myself in. 

This guy was crying while the other one was very hard breathing. I was done with them and I was sure to meet some police officers later to tell them what happened. It wasn't as if I didn't knew some since I used to break into their office and steal some files to deliver some information for them. After that they did kinda give me or more like left me the key to their office and told me they were actully going to turn off the cameras from 4-6 so I could get in and do my job.

Well It wasn't 6 yet so I was sure to stop by and write down what happened.

Me: They will expect you. Do not dare ly to me or I will haunt you.

That was all I said before I started to make my way to the police station to get to the office of this one detective.

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