It's been a while after the USJ attack that I went back to class to teach them. They all had some breaks as well since it was a shock like situation for them and Hound Dog told us to give them at least 3 days time to rest. That was definitelly something I needed too.
I wonder how I should tell them about Sato...
What am I to tell them?
The truth?
And how much?
I can't lie to them since it was obvious and I kinda did drag that man out of the USJ building and threw him right into a police car...
Yeah there is no denying what I did.
I am sure they also know by now that he was a villain.
Me: *sigh*
I couldn't help it and let out a sigh as I walked inside the classroom. They all were waiting for me there and they were all silent as well. At least they learned something from the past. I also believed that they might have been a bit scared seeing how I reacted and how that thing reacted to myself.
Me: Hello everyone. Welcome back.
They all were silently looking at me. Just looking at them I could tell how much they felt guilty not noticing it at all. I mean I would feel guilty too if it was me who were in a class with a traitor and not noticing it at all.
Me: I am sure you have a lot of question so I am here to answere them.
Momo: Are you sure about that?
Me: Yeah...
Tsu: At least someone wants to tell us what happened. *ribbit*
Me: It's inoffical for now because we don't want the information to leak outside. I hope you all can keep quiet about it.
A nod. That was what I got from everyone in the class. I knew they were trustworthy. If not then I wouldn't have offered them to tell the truth. The thing was, I wasn't a fan of keeping things away from them. There was a reason why I didn't wanted to do this and it was quiet simple too. All of the kids inside the room were there. They saw me fight. They saw everything. So why should I keep it a secret?
Me: So as you saw me walking to that thing... Don't you all ever do this.
Mina: Why did you do that then?
Me: I knew that person and I hoped to reach them.
Denki: Wait, that was a person.
Me: Once yes.
Sero: How is that possible.
Me: We found a doctor who did some experience on people.
Uraraka: Wait are we talking about the missing people from the news?
Me: Unfortunatelly yes.
Bakugo: How the fuck did you know about them?
Me: If I wouldn't be qualified enough like a hero, I wouldn't be here teaching all of you.
Aoyama: So you are a hero... but mon ami, what is your name?
Me: You have to wait for that after the sports festival which is schedule in a weeks time. I know this will be hard on you all but I want you all to focus on that.
They all looked down and I could tell what they were thinking. The things happening to them was no joke after all but they faught pretty damn well if I had to say myself. They survived a full fledged villain attack which was meant to kill them. How else should they improve better than this? I was just glad that they were unharmed.
Me: Listen guys, you all did well and you couldn't know he was a traitor.
Sero: So he was one for real....
Me: Yes. He was just giving information to the LOV and as I told you already once. Information is key in our jobs! This is how they knew about the USJ building attack and this was how they also planned everything out.
Momo: Sir, am I right to say they didn't researched us well enough?
Me: Yes you are right there.
Mina: I don't get it.
Tenya: Sir here knew what was happening. This was the reason he has us in groups which fittet everyone and benefitted us.
Uraraka: Not to mention the heroes in our sections.
Me: That is very true. I am glad you can tell that much. You all did a great job.
Bakugo: Not as fucking much as you did Deku.
Me: Stop calling me that or ama chuck this at you again.
Bakugo: Sorry Sir.
It was still a surprise seeing Bakugo appologize to me but he started to learn to express himself better than before. At least he started opening up even though he hated to admit it. I mean I could tell how much Ejiro and his group of friends grew on him and I could also tell how much the class grew on me.
They are great heroes!
I am proud to be their teacher.
Is this how Dadzawa feels like...
Kinda addictive feeling.
Whelp, I sure want to see them getting better and better.
Me: On another point! From today onward, I will teach you everything. You all are the next generation of heroes. Never forget that the darkness is always looking out for a chance to get you as well as drive everything into ruins! That means I will be stricter with your training and you will have to go through many many challenges. Are you still up for it?
Class 1a: YES SIR!
The way they instantly replied to me made me smile at them. I would for sure not be lenient to them. Not even a bit especially when I knew that All for One was out there.
Me and Nezu were both thinking the same thing and that meant that All for One failed this time but he will wait for a time where no one is watching to strike back. It was my task to see that this would never happen. I was sure every UA teacher was thinking the same way after knowing how close we were on actually facing a disaster!
If I wouldn't have gone looking for all the missing people, I wouldn't have found out what the villains were actually planning. Wihtout that knowledge who knows how the USJ attack would have ended. Some may have even died.
I hated to think like this and so I smiled at the class and was looking up for the future while I was sure to prepare myself for the one last thing I had to do.
It was time to reveal myself as Parallax....

Parallax (Suicidal Vigilante Deku)
FanfictionNo one has the right to intervene in the life of another person. That was something Izuku knew but ignored soo many times. He wanted to help, and the only way to do so was to become Parallax. A person nonexistent to the world but yet living to help...