It's been a while since I saw everyone in the streets and now seeing this lady, it was sure a sign that I was back and I not only wanted to support her and buy things from her but the main thought about coming here today, was actually because they would spread the words around that I was back on the streets.
Me: This is my father.
Old Lady: Oh finally gotta see the man who let you suf-
Me: No, no, you got this wrong. He is my adoptive father.
Old Lady: Finally! I am glad you are better now.
Let's say it was obvious for everyone here that I got abused at home. It was just that they let me go since I really wanted to be just me. They didn't know where I lived or who my mother was but everytime the people who know me saw me, they would see bandages on my skin as well as bruises and burns. It was obvious that I lived in a bad houshold or that I got bullied after all they all knew that I was quirkless too.
Me: Yeah...
Old Lady: I heard what happened to Mr. Foster. I am so sorry.
Me: ... he won't be out on the streets for long.
Old Lady: So you are back?
Me: Mh!
Mic was with me in the store but he was picking up some veggies as well and leaving me alone with the woman to talk. I could see that he was respecting our privacy but he was definitelly listening in.
Mic: Izu, what you gonna do for food?
Me: Oh I know just the thing.
Old Lady: The usual?
Me: Yup.
Old Lady: Got it.
Mic: Usual?
Me: I used to cook for my mother sometimes and always come here to get the food. So I am doing Katsudon.
Mic: Oh that sounds nice.
Old Lady: Oh the recipy is quite a good one as well. I should know it since I gave it to him.
Mic: Oh really now.
Old Lady: Yes. He came here often asking me for recipies. I am already quite old and so I know a lot.
Mic: I can only believe in that one.
Old Lady: Anyways, you better keep an eye on our little angel here. Don't let anything happen to him or else!
It was funny to see the woman actually having a small scissors in her hand since she needed to give me some herbs too. Not only did she ram the sharp end into the wood of her desk but it also got stuck there which intimidated Mic. I could hear him gulp but he also stepped back.
Mic: Don't worry. We would never do something like that.
Old Lady: Good.
Me: Was that really necessary?
Old Lady: Yes. You are our light after all.
Me: I am fine tho.
Old Lady: That's what you always say.
Me: Cause I am.
Old Lady: Not believing that one. Here!
Just like that she threw me an apple and I was completly silent and focused on it. Oh how I loved apples as well as berries and she knew that better than anyone else. So the next couple of minutes I was just munching on my apple happly and in silence.
Mic: Huh...
Old Lady: He loves apples and berries the most.
Mic: Good to know. Could you throw in some.
Old Lady: Already did that. They are on the house.
Mic: Oh no, please let me pay for them.
Old Lady: Nope. He deserves them.
Mic: Then I'll just leave a tip.
With that Mic payed for the things and we went out while I was still eating that apple. While I was doing it, I heard Mic snicker. It really must have surprised him that there was actually an easy way to shut me up and get me focused on something else.
Mic: You really love them, huh?
Me: Mh! They are the best. They are soo sweet. You should try one yourself.
Mic: It's fine. You can have them all.
Me: Really?
Mic: Yeah.
As we walked down the streets, I looked into the shops and around to make sure everything is as I left it. I mean the break wasn't really something I chose to do but was forced to do. I needed to get back on track too. There was only one way to get back and that was to slowly get back to work and be outside in the middle of the night.
Mic: So, do we still need something?
Me: Nope.
Mic: Then let's go home.
Me: Yeah but how about we bring a coffee back home?
Mic: For Sho?
Me: Yeah.
Mic: Ah he can make himself a coffee too but it is a lovely idea.
Me: Just wanted to see what happens when we leave a coffee in front of his nose.
Mic: You mean like a dog treat?
Me: Kinda.
Mic: That is a good question. I never tried it out.... Let's do it.
Just like that we got a black coffee before we headed home and once inside we could hear him snore now. This man was sound asleep and soo deeply sleeping too that it was sure hard to wake him up. Still we placed the coffee right in front of his nose and started recording or Mic did while I was just crouching and looking at the hero who he sniffed the air first. The next thing he did was making some weid sounds as if he was licking something or eating it was this typical sound you would do when you were about to eat something and drool all over the place.
After that he started licking his mouth before he actually woke up and looked at the coffee. In a matter of second he move like a caterpillar over to the cup and started to drink it thanks to the straw we put in.
Me: Morning Zawa.
Aizawa: Morning problem child.
Mic: Pfffff hahahahahahahaha
Aizawa: Are you recording?
Mic: Yup.
Aizawa: Why?
Mic: Because you are a caterpillar.
Once we were done having our fun, I went ahead and made some katsudon and we then ate and after that I got a bit of stretching while I was allowed to train with Mic for a bit. He insisted doing some small exercise with me since he knew and it was obvious that I would go back out and be on the steet as Parallax. I could only be happy that they accepted me as I am and wouldn't stop me from doing what I was doing at all.

Parallax (Suicidal Vigilante Deku)
FanfictionNo one has the right to intervene in the life of another person. That was something Izuku knew but ignored soo many times. He wanted to help, and the only way to do so was to become Parallax. A person nonexistent to the world but yet living to help...