That was all that came to my mind. It all came down soo fast that it honestly bothered me a bit. Thankfully I could say that class 1A was ready for it. No matter what would come, I trained them plus there were heroes around the place too.
Me: The fuck is that thing?
The moment we got into UA, it already happened. We were all inside and then a portal opened up. It looked like a black mist and it came soo fast that no one of the students could react in time. I was just glad I decided to let them form their groups and stick with them together. This way they were actually send away in groups.
As for me and Aizawa, well we both managed to escape that teleportation dude and were in the main plaza. We were not alone tho. There was this one thing that looked soo ugly as ell as distrubing. However somewhat it felt familiar to me.
Thank god we knew that this was about to happen.
Otherwise we would be screwed.
I am glad class 1A is not fighting this alone but there are heroes around....
Now let's focus on the main culptris in front of us!
Aizawa: Get back!
Me: As if!
Aizawa: IZUKU!
Me: You can't stop me!
Honestly this was just chaos. There was a guy with hands all over him and scratching his nack looking annoyed at us, then again he came because of All Might who wasn't here. By his side was a guy completly covered in the same mist that could teleport and that meant that these two were the people I was looking for. The only problem there was this thing they brought with them, it has it's brain wide open and a birds beak. It looked grotesc!
Aizawa: IZUKU!
Still didn't stopped me from charging in and running at it. This thing was dangerous but I had my mind set on stoppping these two villains even if that meant get my hands dirty.
I won't let you hurt my father or anyone here!
I will be your oponent!
I can deal with you!
All Might is a laugh against me!
Just watch me!
Aizawa: DAMN IT!
That creature started running at me the moment I started charging at these two villains. Unfortunatelly for me it had a great speed quirk as well as some other quirks and it finally clicked in my head. These quirks that it was showing were all quirks I knew. Why did I knew abut them? Whelp, they were all the quirks from the homeless people I knew.
It can't be!
I refuse to believe that they...
It can't be!
They don't deserve a life like this!
I focused on the creature and started to fight it, that meant for me mainly dodging it and trying to reason. I wanted to know if that thing was one of them or not.
Me: It's me, stop this fight!
It continued to fight me and I continued dodging and getting closer to it. From the corner of my eyes I could see my father fighting that handy man and I could also hear the other fights. They may be a lot of villains but we were ready. Not only that but they wanted to surprise us while we got a our own surprise for them.
Me: I searched for you everywhere. I didn't gave up! I never forgot about all of you!
Again nothing.
This thing continued to fight me without any remorse. I could tell each one of it's punch and attacks were actually meant to kill me. Still I hoped to get through to the person inside there.
Me: Snap out of it! It's me Parallax.
That was for the first time that I saw the creatures movement slow down and flinch too.
This is it!
Remember your past!
Snap out if this!
You are not a puppet!
Me: I searched for all of you! I never forgot!
Slowly but surely I saw something change in the way it acted as well as looked at me. Sadness was all I could see in the things eyes where anger and empitness resided. Whatever happened to them made them like this and I was not to forgive that person.
Me: I am sorry... I am late.
That was the last thing I said before it basically stood up to its full lenght and screamed into the air. Just one scream was enough to pierce and shatter the tension in the air. It was frightening and made me feel chills running down my spine. If this was my end then so be it.
Maybe I was foolish to think I could reach this person. Maybe I was delusional or maybe I was just hoping that there was still something there from the person.
Whatever it was, it made me not attack this creature but approach it and only dodge its attacks.
Me: I never forget... I hoped to find you all no matter what. You all deserve someone remembering your existance... and a grave to visit.
I could tell that this creature, no, person was actually at it's end. No one could controll soo many quirks at once. I even bet that this was dangerous and deadly. It was a wonder that they were still holding on. The only thing that I could do despite the fear that I could feel right now was approach and hug this thing.
Me: I am so sorry.
This must have looked soo wrong for soo many people but I didn't care at all. I knew this person before. It was someone I cared and one of the homless people I trained. They were part of the territory I was protecting and visiting. I cherrished each and every person as they never forgot or gave up on me when I needed them. Now it was my turn to return that favor.
I am so sorry.
I never wanted this to happen.
If only I saw this coming.
If only I was out there more often.
Maybe I could have managed to do soemthing.
I -
Before I knew it something weird happened. That person instead of throwing me away or hurting me, it hugged me back or tried too. In the end it ws rubbing my back as tears were falling down my cheecks. Yes, this was a humain gesture something that was not in place with this monstrous appearance. It was comfort it offered me back for all the worry and sleepless nights I had to find them.
As small as this guesture was, it meant soo much for me!
Not only that but it also soon ended at it screamed into the air again before letting me go and run off to the one villain that did this all to them.
I would have screamed no! but who was I to stop them. Who was I to deny them revenge and a chance to fight for themselves. They were dying and I knew that. It was just a matter of time till the mind as well as that body would give up due to all the quirks drawback. I knew after all that some of them were deadly... I knew them all... I knew that person and the quirks owners.
I am so sorry!
I came late!
I am so so sorry!

Parallax (Suicidal Vigilante Deku)
FanfictionNo one has the right to intervene in the life of another person. That was something Izuku knew but ignored soo many times. He wanted to help, and the only way to do so was to become Parallax. A person nonexistent to the world but yet living to help...