Can I keep Him?!

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Honestly I planned in to stay quite a while with the old lady to helpt her out but we were finished rather quickly and so once I was done I decided to walk around for a bit before heading home. That was the initial plan anyways. Once I started walking down the streets till the end, I saw something from the corner of my eyes. It was silver greyish and a bit shiney. 

The reason why it cought my attention was because that thing was soo out of place. I knew the streets in and out and this was not something that was belonging here on the streets. So I stopped and looked closer at the alley.

Me: Hello?

What in the world is that?

Is that a person on the ground with a fake fur blanket?

The heck is that?

An animal?

Why is it here?

Oh please tell me it doesn't have rabies!


I decided to get closer to te what I thought was a human with a blanket over them. You know maybe a child which would make more sense but when I got closer I started to see some big ass, pardon, huge ass ears as wel as a rat tail.

What the fuck is that?!

Did someone experiment a bit?

The heck is that? 

Is it alive?


Is this some kind of joke?

A mask?

If this is another vigilante, I am out!

So I got closer and closer to it slowly of course and making sure that my presence was hidden from anyone who tried to sense me. Not only that but I started matching the sound of my footsteps so that it wouldn't be heard at all. Better safe than sorry after all.

Me: Hey?

Again nothing.

There was a small hope that this thinkg would wake up and it would be just a prank but it didn't looked like it at all, so when I finally got in reach, I decided to to crouch down and pet its head. Uff the fur was soo nice and soft.

Did someone do this?

Is it even alive?



Let me check.

I quickly checked the pulse of this humanoid animal. It really was a bit bizar. I saw a rat tail which I wasn't sure if it was a rat or a mouse, then there were these paws which were more specific to a bear and the snoot looked a bit dog like mixed with a mouse. It honestly looked cute and the fur was soft too.

After I checked up that it was still alive, I looked at it a bit more to see if there were any injuries at all but I couldn't find any.

I wonder if I can keep it?

I mean it looks like a chimera!


That would be soo awesome.

A chimera as a pet!

I am in!

Tho... am I even allowed to have any pets?

Whelp, I'll sure find out when I get home.

If worse comes to worse, I can still say this is a plushy and just carry it in my room and keep it hidden.


I'll do that.

Me: Hippedy hoppedy guess what little guy... you are now my propperty! I ama keep you. You are soo cute and fluffy anyways.

Just like that I grabbed the chimer and started to carry it back as if it was a plush toy, a huge teddy bear to be precise. I kinda liked it. There was no way Dadzawa or Papamic would saz anything against it. I mean come on. It's cute, fluffy and looks rather tame too. Not to mention it is wearing clothes.

I wonder who owened you?

I mean clothes?

Come on.

From all they put you in, they put you in a suit?!

I would have done something else personally.

Like what about an onesie !

Like a bear one? 


A hero one!


That would be funny.


Let's get an onesie.

Seeing as how dirty the suit was, I decided to get to the next toy store which I knew had also costumes and bought an All Might onesie which would fit this little chimera. After that I decided to change the little guy out of the dirty things and strated carrying it back home.

Of course there were soo many different costumes and onesies. I could have gotten the chimera an Endeavor outfit but I hated the guy with passion. I also could have gotten him a clown costume or even better a villain costume. The only reason why I took the All Might cotsune even though I hated the man himself was because it had his hair kinda looking like bunny ears at the back of the onesi. Like it had this hood with the two big ass hari starines hanging down looking like bunny ears. Soo cute!

It was litterally too cute not to get it for this guy. Besides now that I claimed him as my pet, I would also be responsible to the guy and make sure he would eat, sleep and wear things that I would find cute and cuddly. Why else did I pick him up after all. His fur was too soft and I could need a pet to be honest.

A dog might do.

A cat too.

Maybe even a bird... Uh I could have an owl since I am always out in the night.

Question was where the heck would I get an animal anyways and this chimera needed some help too.

Sooo all I did was help anyways.




Ah they can't be mad at me for trying to help an animal.


Guess what happened when I got home?

Of course they looked at me with huge eyes and were completly speechless. 

That was the right moment to say it and claim this guy as mine.

Me: Can I keep him?!

I saw Mic's and Aizawas mouth go open and then immediately shut themselves up again. In the next minute Mic took his phone out and took a picture before bursting out laughing his ass off. Aizawa on the other hand just sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose before shaking his head in disbelieve I believed.

Me: Pretty please!

Again there was not really any answere to what I said so I went a steep further.

Me: With a cherry on the top.

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