Cooking time with MIC!

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After the hero was now awake, I had no other choice but to actually get with him and stay at his house. Now I wasn't the one who would stay here for nothing so the first thing I asked when we got to his house was if I could do something to eat. It was not only because I knew my stomach growled or that he would insist that I would eat but also because this other hero Mic actually picked us up with the car.

I can't believe they will let me cook for them?!

Why would they even let me do that?

Wouldn't I just bother them?

I mean I am basically going to their house again and then doing some chaos in the kitchen....

The whole time I was completly silent but I did ask if I could do something to eat since they wanted to go to a restaurant. It was way too expensive to go eat there and I wasn't for sure one who would enjoy eating there anyways. So I came out and asked if I could make something which both of them looked at me weirdly.

Mic: You can cook?

Eraserhead: If you want problem child.

That was what they both said to me and this was how I eneded up in the kitchen with both of them at my side. 

Mic: So what are we making, little listener?

Me: Depends on what you have at home.

I was thinking about some simple dish... but you look hungry yourself.

I mean you had to go on and talk about all kinds of restaurants....

No need for that really!

There is really no need for that. 

It would just be expensive.

Mic: We have some veggies and some other stuff... look for yourself. Feel free to take anything you need.

Me: Okay, thanks!

A/N: Recipe taken from here:

The moment I found some lasagna noodles as well as onions, garlic, frozen spinach, ricotta and mozzarella  and parmesan, I knew that these were perfect for spinch lasagna. I really liked that dish but it was also something I rarely made because of my mom who hated me to cook for myself alone and if I would cook, I would only get the leftovers.

Me: Can I make some Lasagna?

Mic: Sure.

Eraserhead: *sigh*

Mic: SHO! Don't sigh at the kid.

Eraserhead: Do you need help?

Me: No. I am fine.

Without much of spending more time that I had to, I preheated the oven to 350 ° and started seaching for a large pot but without knowing where stuff are that was a bit difficult. 

Mic: Searching for this?

Me: Mh!

Thankfully that hero was thinking and already had a large pot with the noodles inside and started cooking it in salted water until they were al dente. 

Mic: They should be done soon.

Eraserhead: How long will this take again?

Me: about an hour...

Eraserhead: *sigh*

Mic: Sho, you hungry?

Eraserhead: a bit.

Me: Sorry we could have also made something easier.

Eraserhead: It's fine.

Mic: How about you snack on something instead?

Eraserhead: *sigh*

While they were boiling, I went to ahead and got a large skillet where I put oil inside over medium heat and started to add onlion, garlic and seasoned it with salt pepper and oregano. 

Of course I was stirrf in thawed and drained frozen spinach until they were completly done. It was Eraserhead who actually put the spinach in a bow and started to wash them over with cold water which made them a bit unforzen as well as got rid of all the ice around them.

Once that was all done, I had Mic who was stiring in a large bowl, ricotta, eggs and parmesan together and season it with salt and pepper. It wasn't long that we were all done with out task and it was time to get a baking dish out.

I started laying 5 lasagna noodles so they were slightly overlapping. Then spooned over a thin layer of marinara and top with a layer of spinach micture and ricotta mixture. After that I sprinkled a layer of mozzarella over it and started repeating what I did till the end and topped it off with moszzarella.

Mic: Uhh that honestly looks good. I can't wait till it is done.

Me: Mh!

Mic took the trail from me and coverd it with foil and let it back for 45 minutes just to uncover it and then bake it another 15 minutes.

The result was just good. We all were there with our moths opening and watering. Looks like everyone was just hungry.

Me: Looks like it's done!

Mic: Let's dig in!

Eraserhead: *sigh* Zashi, it's still hot.

Mic: And?

Eraserhead: You'll burn your tongue again.

Mic: I don't care. This smells too good.

Eraserhead: *sigh* problem child, don't be like him.

Me: Huh?

Before he could say anything I also had a spoon with some of it to taste it off in my hand. Eraserhead looked at me just so he could sigh again and pinch the bridge of his nose. He was done with us and when I looked at Mic, he just smiled at me.

Mic: Don't worry, let's just have a go at it.

This was how we ate the lasagna off the baking dish without even bothering to get some plated for us all. It was a waste anyways since we all started digging into it. It was way too good and it was also gone within minutes.

It was honestly just too good not to dig in and I was hungry to cry out loud but still it was the first time I displayed such behaviour and I was a bit embarrasing too.

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