So I went in quite as fast as I could but you know apparently this wasn't as fast I thought. I may consider myself lucky not to be found out by my mother or so I thought because the moment I turned around I saw her standing there with closed eyes and a bottle in her hand.
Now not many people would know what was going on if they were not me.
This was literally ny moher sleepwalking with a bottle in her hand and reasy to strike everything that would make a sound. I knew that because I saw her once attacking a door which was creaking when I return from patrolling. Back then I thought she was awake but after she didn't say a thing at all to me, I thought it was fine but nooo.
I came through a window and vlosed it a bit louder than usually and she wrnt passed me attacking it with a bottle.
Needless to say that I dibbed that day and ran as fast and quiet as I could into my room, shutting the door and locking myself in.
However there was no escape from here at all. This situation was just bad.
Oh no...
Where di I go now?
This corridor is way to small for me to just bock it and dodge her...
Damn it!
There is only one way out of this situation...
I don't like this.
Oh please let the hero be gone by now.
I know it's just a couple of minutes or seconds that I am in here but please making him not wait for me in front of the door.
Seeing as there was really no other way out, I opened the door and snuck out closing it behind me just to lean on it and breathing a heavy sigh out of relief only that it was short lasting.
Eraserhead: *Sigh* Why are you g-
The moment I saw him, I jumped and looked at him and then at the door which made a huge bang. It was definitelly the glas bottle which just broke into pieces. Now the wonder about everything was that my mother could be either a very light sleeper or she was sleepwalking like today.
Me: ....
Eraserhead: *Sigh*
Me: Ahm, is it to late to say that was my cat?
Eraserhead: I am not that guilable...
Me: Worth a shot.
Eraserhead: You comming with me kid.
Me: Why? Where?
Eraserhead: Hospital
Eraserhead: This was a sign of child abuse right there and I will not let that pass.
Me: But I am fine.
Eraserhead: You say now but who knows how many injuries you are hiding kid.
Me: None.
I would have hidden soo many of them but thankfully they were all healed u-
I should still have scars.
He will see them for sure.
There is no way they would have been healed by a healing quirk too.
I can't go to the hospital!
What to do?
Do I run?
Will I make it tho?
Only one way to find out.
I don't know why I thought this was a good idea but I just turned around and ran towards the staircase, jumping over the railing avoiding his scarf and then doing the same tactic till I got to the ground floor and bocked it out of the building.
Eraserhead: *Sigh*
You running after me and you sigh?
When are you not sighing?
Jesus come on!
It's not like you have to run after me...
Come to think of it...
Why are you even bothering to do this?
You clearly are tired.
Why go out of your way to look for a stupid brat like me?
I mean there are villains out there and you are going after me.... Why?
I don't get it at all...
I am worthless...
I am just a stupid wastless child.
Why bother this much?!
I could litterally hear the hero sigh behind me but did I care?
I couldn't risk getting into a hospital just for him to who knows where to put me. Not only was I quirkless but I was useless as well. Who in the world would pick me up? No one in their right mind. Besdies that what orphanage would he put me in huh?
I can't let him get me.
I can't go to a hospital.
If I end up there... I swear I will find a way to kill myself.
I am not going into an orphanage for sure.
No way in hell am I about to do that.
I know how they treat quirkless kids.
It will be my death.
I would appreaciate it if it wouldn't be a long and painfull procedure...
I don't want to.
I got enough pain.
Isn't it enough already?
I just can't deal with it anymore.
I get it if I get injured in a fight but not torture or them bullying me.
For what?
I am quirkless... I know.
I am useless... I know but there isn't anything that I could do at all.
I tried for so many years.
I tried everything... nothing is enough.... nothing is working.... now I know why.
I am the reason for everything.
If only I were never born.....
There was one I knew very well but the others were horrible and it wasn't as if I could just choose which one to go to. I would be assigned and if I would land into another one than I would be certainly doomed. They were not treating kids like be which are an abomination of nature lightly nor were they approving of them. I would be dead in the most crulest way possible in the shortest amount of time which was basically going against the thought of... you know... doing it myself fast and painlessly because I've been through shit too many times.
I ran and ran and ran. This district was my home and I knew it at the back of my hand. There was not even one place I didn't know but for some reasons my feet got me to this play ground where I just stopped in front of the swings.
Out of breath and completly exhausted, I just decide it to give it up and have a go at the swing which I did. I basically waited for Eraserhead to catch up to me. Surprisingly he just sat at the swing right next to me and looked at me as I was having the best of my time and was swinging a bit back and forth.
Eraserhead: *Sigh* Was this really necessary.
Me: Yes.
Eraserhead: *Sigh*

Parallax (Suicidal Vigilante Deku)
FanfictionNo one has the right to intervene in the life of another person. That was something Izuku knew but ignored soo many times. He wanted to help, and the only way to do so was to become Parallax. A person nonexistent to the world but yet living to help...