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A/n : I was recently informed after I wrote 9 chapter that A-Spen's pronouns are they/them not she/her.

I'm not the best with non binary pronouns and I'm trying to rewrite it so work with me here and let me. Know if I make any mistakes please!

~Y/n's Pov~

I'm on the cheerleading team. My older sister Addison is the cheer captain. We have a game tonight and if we win Zed will get recruited to join Addi in Mountain college!

So let's cheer them to victory! "Woo!" We cheer and I'm on the ground in the splits cheering. Then I get up and we perform our routine.

The football team watches us and cheers. After we finish everyone cheers wildly.

"Guys tonight is our last chance to cheer at a Seabrook football game!" Bree says sadly.

Bonzo says something in zombie's tongue. I never learned to understand it.

"I know I wish we could be cheerleaders forever too" Bree somewhat smiles wrapping an arm around Bonzo. Then she gasps "Maybe we should flunk science so high school never ends!"

I giggle a little. "Bree, Bree, Bree," you say shaking your head smiling.

"Nah we just have too much chemistry," she says looking up into Bonzo's eyes.


"We're so gonna win tonight!" The coach cheers.

"And when we do-" Zed starts "We'll be together forever" Addi finishes.

"Aww, you guys are goals" you coo watching them.

"When I say Sea, you say brook! Sea!" Zed cheers.




I wave my pom poms laughing.

-Later that night-

"Awooo! Let's tear these Eastside Eels apart! DESTROY THEM!!" Willa, the leader of the werewolves, cheers from on top of a bus.

"Get our mighty shrimp on this bus so we can defend our turf! No outsiders mess with our pack! Yea! " Willa cheers again and we all follow suit.

"When you're from Seabrook, you are Seabrook!"

"Dang, maybe Willa should be cheer captain" you joke nudging Bree.

Addi laughs.

Then everyone chants "Seabrook, Seabrook, Seabrook!"

You walk over to where Wyatt and Zoey are to say hi to Eliza "I can't believe you're not here! We all miss you!"

"Who misses her the most Wyatt~" Zoey teases and Wyatt shushes her.

"Wait what'd she say?" Eliza asks.

You get in the camera and wave as Eliza starts glitching.

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎~𝐀-𝐋𝐚𝐧×𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫~Where stories live. Discover now