Their Visit

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Addi never left my side even for a minute. Until visiting hours ended. But she was there right away in the morning. Mom and dad still cane to see me but they had to work a lot. Summer will be over and no time and everyone will be going to college.

While I may still be in here. The doctors said that they're going to keep me here until my coughing stops and I start feeling stronger.

Addi brought up my mark still fading and now everyone is worried about that too. Even me. The doc said it should be coming back by now.

But more than family is allowed to. Come see me tomorrow so I'm so excited!

I can't wait to see A-Lan.

Addi usually has messages from him to me. We called occasionally but after a week it'll be good to see him face to face.

I might be a little clingy and attached... But we'll ignore that

"Oh update! A-Spen and Willa are officially dating! " addi says squealing.

"I'm so happy for them" I smile.

"I would fan girl but.. Not enough energy today.. " I start coughing again and the doctors rush in.

One puts their hand on my forehead "get a thermometer" they demand.

A boy runs off and goes to get it. When he gets back they take my temp.

"She has a fever, 102°"

"Can I get some water? " I ask the doctor. "Of course" they run out.

"Is my mark still fading..? " I ask addi when the doctors are all gone.

"It's almost gone.. I'm so sorry Y/n/ should have cane back by now.. I wonder what's up.. "

"I don't know... But I don't like it... "

"Maybe you are losing your werewolf side.. "

"I can't... I can't lose being a werewolf permanently! "

"Hey then you'll be human and alien like me..? " addi says trying to cheer me up.

"But I like being a werewolf... I wanted to move into the den and play with the were-pups everyday, protect them. Be the alpha I should have been sooner.. They can't lose their alpha again Addi... Everything is falling apart because of me! " I start crying again.

"Y/n no-"

"Don't try and make me feel better addi... Just come back tomorrow please.. "

She nods "I love you" and walks out.
I continue to cry. The doctors keep asking me what's wrong but I ignore them each time. I just want to be left alone..

Next day

I get woken up to some light sobs. I turn my head and see A-Lan there crying

"Hey! What's wrong A-Lan? " I put a hand on his cheek wiping a tear.

"I'm just... So happy to see you y/n..your awake.. I just... Was so scared of losing you.. I don't know what I would have done.. "

"Hey A-Lan. I promise... You won't lose me.  It takes more than that to kill Y/n Wells! " I joke before coughing again.

"I love you Y/n/n"

"I love you more"

"No, I love you most"

"Uh uh, I love you most-est! "

This continues on for a good 3 minutes

"Y/n..we've decided to run some tests" a doctor says as they walk in.

"What kind..? "

"To see why your mark is still fading, some blood tests, some gene tests" she shrugs.

"Can A-Lan stay?.. "

"Of course hun.. It shouldnt be bad we just need to connect you to a device. Give you a little shot. Nothing to bad"

"But I hate needles.. "

"I'm right here for you Y/n, just look at me not the shot okay? " A-Lan says causing me to blush and smile.

"Go for it doc. "

The doc does what she said she's do.

I continue talking with A-Lan the whole time.

"I've missed you.. I'm sorry I let you go to the vampires.. " he says as he kisses my cheek.

"The vampires.. I need to see them! Please! "

"No. I won't let them come close to you. They almost killed you! "

"Please A-Lan.. I need to talk to Troian.. Daniel.. And Liam.. At least. Please.. " I plead. "Ugh whatever. But I'll be near the room to make sure they don't try anything, since they won't let me stay. "

"So where is everyone else? "

"They said they'd come tomorrow. They wanted to give this day to ur to reconnect"

"How are they holding up? "

"Better now that your awake, but when you were in a coma... Nobody was okay" he lightly chuckles.

"I need to get our of here soon" I groan.

"You will... Just keep being strong and fighting. When you leave here I promise to give you the best relaxing day you could ever imagine"

"Of course you will A-Lan" I giggle "I appreciate it.. And you.. So much"

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎~𝐀-𝐋𝐚𝐧×𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫~Where stories live. Discover now