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The next day

"Y/n! Get up! Now! " someone yells from the other side of the door.

"Auuugh" I roll over toward the door.

"Y/n! Let's go! " the door flies open. "What.. " I grumble, eyes slowly opening

"We're having a party to celebrate capturing the great alpha, more vampires are coming so you need get ready. Now. " Olivia says with no emotion.

"Alex picked your dress already it's in your bathroom" she rolls her eyes closing the door

I walk into my bathroom and look at the dress.

I put it on and look in the mirror.

There's a sign on the cabinet "put your makeup of with this pallette. "

I pick the eyeshadow up and apply it with fake eyelashes, then put the lipstick on.

I look at myself

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I look at myself. The dress is cute but I'm not comfortable in it around most of these vampires.

Alex then comes in.

"You look good babe~" he says trying to be.. Seductive..? Ew.

"Don't call me that. "

"And why not~" he slowly packs closer to me. I walk backwards until I hit a wall.

He hovers over me pinning me against it.

"I have a boyfriend... Creep" I try to escape but he keeps moving his arms where I try to go.

"You won't see him again anyway.. Just let loose before you die yeah? ~" he winks  putting a hand under my chin , putting his leg up to keep me trapped there.

"I still love him, more than anyone could ever love you" I roll my eyes slapping his hand.

He pins my hand above my head and leans into my ear "I just came to warn you to watch out for James. If you think I'm bad he's 10x worse"

His breath hitting my ears causing goosebumps to run across my arms. I shake it off pushing him off. "Thanks now leave me alone. " I run out of the room and to find Troian.

"Troia-" I get cut off by running into someone.

"I'm so sorry Liam! " I stand up and hold out my hand. "I got it thanks" he says with the same tone as always. He really doesn't care about anything does he?

I take my hand back
"I'm so sorry! " I quickly run off to try to find troian but to my luck I run into Olivia.

"Where are you going? " she asks glaring at me. "Uhm.. Trying to find Troian.. I need her to.. Fix my makeup...? I think it smeared a little..? "

"I can help you"

"Uhm... Su--re" she walks with me to her room and sits me down in a chair.

"Why are you helping me right now? I thought you hated me.. "

"I don't hate you.. Alex said we all are supposed to hate you, so I've been acting. " she shrugs.

"What's going on with you two? "

"None of your business. "

"Well... If you're together or whatsoever.. He just flirted with me in the bathroom and he picked this outfit out. And it's kinda... Too exposing for my liking since I don't even know you guys.. "

"Of course he did. Do you want to change outfits? "


"I have an extra dress. You can go out it on"

I walk into her closet grabbing the only other dress I see and walking into her bathroom to change.

"Well.. If you do like Alexander I think you can do better. You're really pretty and you're not that bad. But he seems... Terrible"

"He's broken. His parents didn't want him so his aunt took him in but she got too weak from going above ground and someone killed her. It's complicated. But now he feels he has to prove himself and be a tough guy."

"I'm so sorry.. I didn't know.. "

"You couldn't have known, it's whatever just give him a break. "

"So I was told you guys didn't drink blood so why do you guys want to keep me here?"

"Because it was the great alpha that killed her. He used cauliflower against her and then she went in the sun and got too weak and died. But don't tell him I told you. "

"Of course"

I walk out with the dress on.

(Pretend the chest part is covered)

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(Pretend the chest part is covered)

"Looks good on you, you almost look like a real vampire" she laughs.

"Don't threaten me like that" I joke

She fixes my eyeshadow then we both walk out. "Thank you Olivia"

"No problem" I wave and walk the opposite direction of her.

I run into Daniels room but he isn't there.

I grab the phone and dial addi's number again.

She answers "You're barely missing for someone who's gone" she jokes.

"Yea yea, I have friends in high places but Addi, I have a news update, I'll call you later but if you come make sure to bring the Moonstone I can feel the life draining from me! "

"Of course, love you y/n/n"

"Love you too" I quickly hang up and run to find Troian.

I then bump into Alex again. "Alexander, where is Troian? "

"Wouldn't you like to know" he crosses his arms. "I know she's been helping you, so I imprisoned her. You're lucky I don't do the same to you"


Shorter chapter but yea. Chapter 15 for ya :D

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