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Alex's Pov

Lately I've been thinking about letting Y/n go. It's not bringing me the satisfaction I wanted.

Then Troian barges into my room "Alex! Y/n passed out and don't be mad but her friends are here!"

"What?!" Troian runs out and I follow her.

I see her passed out in a boy with blue hairs arms. "She put her moonstone on and passed out" Liam tells me.

"I hope you know you guys are in trouble for not telling me their here" I growl at Liam, Daniel and Troian.

"How'd you guys even get here?" I ask her friends.

"Doesn't matter, we're taking her to the hospital!" The girl with blue hair says. Must be her sister.

"No. I brought her here for her to die anyway so let her-" I get cut off by the 2 with green hair growling at me and the 2 werewolves eyes glowing. "Yea let's get her to the hospital.." what? I can't take all of them on!

We rush out of the mansion then up to the surface. Me, Troian, Liam and Daniel each have umbrellas since it's daylight out.

We all are running for whatever reason to the hospital. After running 7 minutes we reach the hospital. We get to the desk "She was sick and exhausted and then she passed out can you help?" Troian asks.

The lady nods and calls for a nurse to come. They put her on a stretcher and rush her to away.

A-Lans Pov

"I can't believe this..." I glare at the vampires "it's your fault! None of this would have happened if it wasn't from you!" I go to attack them but Willa and Wyatt hold me back.

"Don't waste your time on these pests." Willa says clearly annoyed.

"You guys have no right to be here. Kidnapping my sister then taking Y/n and now she is nearly dead!" Zed yells at them

"She was her moonstone on guys...she should start healing soon" Wyatt says trying to lighten the mood

"You better be right" Willa growls at the vampires.

"I think it's best you leave" Addi says.

They all nod sadly. "Tell her Troian, Daniel, and Liam says they're sorry"

"Mhm, will do now go" Zed says coldly.

Alex's Pov

"I can't believe this.." I say walking out of the hospital with Daniel, Liam and Troian. Yes we left Olivia. We couldn't find her.

"I hope she gets better but it is our fault.." Troian says looking down.

"Technically Alex's " Liam points out.

"Gee thanks" I roll my eyes and he silently apologizes. "But it's true..I wanted her dead..and now that she could be...I feel bad" Troian puts a hand on my shoulder. "She'll be fine then we can go apologize to her"

"If any of them, including her even allow us to get close to her again.." Daniel states trailing off

Addis Pov

"Were we a little to hard on them?" I ask the group.

"No way. Not after what they did to her! They took her from us!" A-Lan says agitatedly.

"I know...but some of them seemed to have cared for her?" I point out.

"I guess but still..." Willa says "they have to do more than that if they want to come near Y/n again. I'll see to that."

I walk off and grab my phone calling Bree. She answers. "What happened is she okay?"

"Well come to the hospital...I'll explain when you get here!" I say and hang up.

I call my mom and she answers. "Yes Y/n is in the hospital come quick "

"What happened?!" She asks loudly over the phone.

"I'll explain later, it's a long story"

"Okay dear we're on our way" she hangs up.

7 minutes later Bonzo, Bree, Wynter, A-Li, And A-Spen come barging through the door and into the waiting room.

"So how is she?" Bree asks.

"Well I'll explain it all...When we got there she was with one of the vampires I didn't catch the name of. Something happened A-Lan ran off, no she didn't technically cheat, she went after him and when they came back she was coughing and he was carrying Y/n, she put her moonstone on and she passed out, so we took her here"

"Are there any updates on her?" A-Li asks.

"No.." they all groan sitting down in a chair except me.

Then mom and dad come in "what happened?"

"I'll explain at home, it's a long story" I start pacing then a doctor comes in. "Is it about Y/n?" I ask frantically. The doctor looks at me "Mr Allen, your daughter is ready to see you"

A guy walks passed us with the doctor.

After waiting and pacing a few minutes another doctor comes out.

"Who is here for Miss Y/n Wells?"

We all stand up. "Well Y/n is..." Her face falls into a frown.

Did Y/n die? 👀

I'm thinking of making a sad ending

Along with a happy ending and continuing the story with the happy ending.. <3

I don't want this book to end :') I have so much fun writing this :D

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