Our song (Edited)

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Okay so I'm editing this chapter and republishing this chapter cuz I'm changing Y/n and A-Lans song to I see the light for THIS story. Credit to: animelover422020 for the song suggestion

I think this one fits this story better than rewrite the stars but I will be using it for my next story! So I don't have to use it for both yk. But credit to Mallory_Brief again for the song which inspired my next A-Lan x reader story:)

So I rewrite this chapter to change the song heh-

But yea here!


I wake up the next day feeling really weak.

Alex walks in "Hey"


"How are you feeling"

"Not too good"

'i hope you get better Y/n"

"Then why don't you let me leave?"

"Oh yes forgot. You're my prisoner"

"I don't have to be...~? You can always let me go home?" I say hopeful.

"Mmmmm.....no chance" he says leaving the room.

"I just want to be home with my family and friends" tears brim my eyes.

I just want to be in A-Lans arms...watching   all our friends joke around..

A-Lans Pov

"I really miss you Y/n.." I mumble while looking at photos of us from my memory probe on my Luma Lense. Updated alien version of a phone

I never wanted anything bad to happen to her...ever...and now she could die..

Then our song comes to mind.

Song starts here!


All those days watching from the windows
All those years outside looking in

All that time never even knowing
Just how blind I've been

Now I'm here blinking in the starlight
Now I'm here suddenly I see

Standing here, it's all so clear
I'm where I'm meant to be

And at last I see the light
And it's like the fog has lifted

And at last I see the light
And it's like the sky is new

And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted

All at once everything looks different
Now that I see you


All those days chasing down a daydream
All those years living in a blur

All that time never truly seeing things
The way they were

Now she's here shining in the starlight
Now she's here suddenly I know

If she's here, it's crystal clear
I'm where I'm meant to go

You and A-Lan:

And at last I see the light


And it's like the fog has lifted

You and A-Lan:

And at last I see the light


And it's like the sky is new

You and A-Lan:

And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted

All at once everything is different

Now that I see you
Now that I see you

Song ends

I then start coughing again and lay down to go back asleep crying.

Wyatt's pov

"What could that password be? If we figure it out we can go get her back!" I say forming a small smile.

"But how do we figure it out?"

"Uhmmm what do they like?" Wynter asks.

"Blood, The dark...uhmm...being bats ..." Willa lists.

"Kidnapping our alpha" I state sarcastically.

Everyone else is at home, but they're coming over later so right now it's just me, Willa and Wynter.

"How could we turn any of this into a combination though...uh..."

I think for a minute. "They could have done...blood is 2, 12, 12, 15, 4..the letters into what number they are in the alphabet or... Blood could be 25663, y'know what I mean?" I ask them.

"I think so...or it's the darkest at 12 so...12:00" Willa asks.

"It didn't say how many numbers were there...and we don't know how many attempts we have before an alarm goes" Wynter points out

I groan and start pacing.

"What will we do? Alpha or not she is our best friend!" I say sadly as Willa grabs my shoulders. "We will get her back, we have too I think we're making a break through!" She smiles at me.

"I hope you're right"

I text the group chat explaining what we just went over.


When everyone gets there we start discussing possible codes.

"So what have we decided on to try?" I ask them.

"Uhm...1200? For midnight ...that's when it's darkest and safest for them." Addison says looking at Willa.

"But we're wolves! We own the night!" Willa grins

"Willa, Willa, Willa" I laugh at her.

"Yea...let's try that and hope it is it.." A-Lan says looking down. We all then head to the location again as Addi pressed that piece of bark again as the code screen appears.

We put 1200 and...

Sorry I copied and pasted that's why the ending is in bold.

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