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"You know Alexander, Olivia, Liam, Daniel and Troian will find me right? "

"No they won't, don't worry sweetheart. I'll see to that" he winks.

"They'll know it's you that took me then they'll come and get me. Especially if you and Alexander hate each other that much. " I grin.

"Wipe that grin off your face before I do" he holds his hand up.

My grin falls and I roll my eyes.

"That's what I thought" he puts his hand down.

Alexanders Pov

I walk up to Liam "have you seen Y/n? "

"I seen her with James earlier but not since then"

"Thanks.. " I quickly walk off

"Guys I think we have a problem" I say as I walk up to Daniel and Olivia.

"What happened? " Daniel asks.

"I think James took Y/n, she's gone and she was last seen with him"

A-Lans Pov

I pace back and forth "Can we try her mind probe again? "

A-Li gets on her Luma-lense to Y/ms mind probe.

We all crowd around her and we see a boy with Red and black hair talking to her

"You know Alexander, Olivia, Liam, Daniel and Troian will come find me right? " Y/n says.

"No they won't don't worry sweetheart, I'll see to that" he winks.

"She's in danger! What are we going to do guys? " Wynter says.

"Can we vaporize them? " A-Li grins.

"Yes" I say upset

"No! " A-Spen contradicts.

"I have an idea, we can call that number in hopes someone answers and tell them what we saw?" Addison suggests.

"She'll probably lose her rights to call, but at least she'll be safer with them. But if we don't get to her soon she'll still die." Zed says causing us all to look down.

"Just call them. We have to save her. He seems more dangerous then the vampires that she is with now"

~Daniels Pov~

"Go get Troian, Olivia" Alex commands.

Olivia nods and goes off to get Troian. Alex, Liam and me hear ringing and follow the sound into my room. I grab the phone and answer it "hello? "

"Hey it's Addison, Y/ns Sister, listen uhm"

The phone gets taken from me.

Alex takes it "uhm who are you? "

"I just said I'm Addison, Y/n's older sister? Who is this? "

"Why are you calling? How'd you get this number?

" Y/N IS IN DANGER! The aliens proBed her mind once and we looked back at it and we saw a boy with red and black hair, She was talking about how Alexander, Olivia, Daniel, Liam and Troian will find her and he said that he'd see to it that they wouldn't "

"Thanks. Not how did you get this number? "

She quickly hands up and Alex rolls his eyes handing me the phone.

I put it down.

"So he does for sure have her. We need to get her back"

Sorry this chapter is really short but I need to brainstorm ideas!

But yea. Anyways-

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎~𝐀-𝐋𝐚𝐧×𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫~Where stories live. Discover now