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"you are very welcome" he smiles and Addison nudges you grinning.

"Apologies our people have a special, start a spark!" A-Spen apologizes.

"That some lesser species may find painful" A-Li adds in.

Willa growls with her eyes glowing causing her to jump.

"Welcome to sea brook," she says putting her hands down.

They just smile.


"There's no way they came across the galaxy just to cheer, why are they really here?" Willa asks no one in particular.

"Maybe they just wanted to explore and the cheer-off seemed interesting when they got here?" You shrug.

"Too optimistic Y/n" Wyatt rolls his eyes.

The aliens walk up and Wynter's eyes turn gold again "better watch your step"

"We will watch our step, thank you for the warning," A-Spen says.

You stare at A-Lan admiring his features "he really is cute" you think.

He makes eye contact and smiles at you.

A-Li holds a luma lenses up to Willa's face and it flashes, then she holds it up to your eyes and it flashes.

Then they walk away. "What just happened?" Wynter asks


"Addison you can't help those invaders!"
Bucky says annoyed.

"Back off Bucky, your cousin is the cheer captain now, not you," Willa says as you both walk up and you giggle

"Yea Willa!" You smile sitting by Addison.

"But Bucky is right, same for you Y/n, you can't have a crush on an alien either! " she says

"I'm right?" He asks.

And she glares at him

"Yes of course I'm right."

"A little right!" She corrects.

"I don't trust them guys the last time outsiders came they stole our moonstone! And this time we might lose our shot at getting into mountain college"

"Which is why we need to protect what's ours," Bucky says and Willa glares again.

"The Seabrook cup, my legacy, ME in general!"

"Don't worry about the aliens, I'm not afraid of a little competition!" Addi says smiling.

"Whatever I'm going outside, bye Addi, bye Willa" I waved and walked outside to underneath the bleachers. I laid down in the grass staring at the sky.

Until blue hair comes into sight. You raise an eyebrow. "Hello there Y/n"

"Oh hey A-Lan" you sit up and smile turning to face him.

"Can I sit?" He asks and you nod.

"What are you doing out here?" You ask him.

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎~𝐀-𝐋𝐚𝐧×𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫~Where stories live. Discover now