the location

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~Addison's pov~

We're walking to the location y/n called from but when we got there we saw nothing.

"She said they were underground but how do we get there? " I groan in frustration and stomp my foot causing me to get stuck in a net.

"Wha- ZED! "

"ADDISON!! " they all yell.

I use my Luma Lenses to try to get free hoping it has some magic feature that will free me but to my disadvantage. It doesn't.

Zed zombies out and attacks the net tearing it open with the help of the werewolves, A-Lan, A-Li and A-Spen also helped but they were confused on what to do. "We'll come back, we need to go now." I say as we all run. Except A-Lan.

"A-Lan we need to go! " I run back and grab his  hand. He runs with us but he keeps looking back. "Y/n is some where down there and they could be hurting her.. She could already be dead.. "

The thought of that makes my lips tremble. "No.. She's strong. She can do this! " I try to be optimistic but the thoughts won't leave me alone.

"I hope you're right.. " we get back to the den and we all fall over from sprinting.

~Y/ns pov~

We're eating and as I go to take a bite an alarm goes off. "What's that? " I ask Troian. "Someone fell into our trap. "

"Meaning? "

"We have that set for when anyone comes close to the entrance they can't attempt to get in. Alexander set it up."

"Olivia, Daniel! Go check the trap" Alex instructs. They nod and go.

"Troian, Liam take her to her room" we get up and they start walking me that way. Troian grabs my hand dragging me the direction that Olivia and Daniel went.

But Liam grabs my other hand. "Her room is the other way. " he says sternly.

"I want to show her something. Please Liam. " troian pleads

"Fine just don't let her got or itll be off with your head by Alex. " she nods and we follow Daniel and Olivia with Liam not far behind.

"That is the exit how we got in" she whispered to me so Liam can't hear.

I nod and we walk back to my room.

When we get there I grab Troian's hand and wave to Liam as he told his eyes walking away.

"I think it might have been my friends that got stuck. I told them we were underground and I called them yesterday so they might have hacked into the phone call location thing, idk I'm not the tech genius, and got the location. They've done it before." I tell her.

"Well let's hope not. Alex will kill them. He wants to make you suffer that's why your still alive. "

"How heartless is he? " I sigh and flop onto the bed.

"He'll flirt and try to make you catch feelings then hell crush your heart and make you suffer while laughing. Basically what he did to Olivia. Then he wanted her after they broke up the first time and she didn't want him. It was a mess he likes making people suffer. " she sits beside me

"So why are you and Daniel here with them? Can't you leave?"

She shakes her head.

"Once he picks you.. Your stuck since he's the leader and all. "

"Oh.. I promise I'll get you both out of here when I leave."

"What makes you so sure you will get outta her alive? "

"I have too... For my pack.. My parents, friends, Addison... And A-Lan." I smile at the thought of all of us celebrating after graduation.

"You already really miss then don't you? "

"Yea.. We hung out everyday"

I smile to myself playing with my nail. Not very claw like any more. The point has became rounded and my fangs are gone. The wolf is slowly draining.

I walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror. I still have my markings.

Troian follows "I'm so sorry for all this" she hugs me and I hug back before Daniel comes in.

"Any updates? " troian asks

"Whatever it was in there is gone, the net was torn in half. Alexander isn't happy"

I smile. At least he can't make whatever was there suffer.

"Can I make another call? " I ask looking down.

"Just don't tell anyone" Daniel winks.

"Thank you! " I jump onto him hugging him.

"Now let's get you to that phone" he winks. We go back to the same phone I used last time and dial addi's number. She immediately answers "y/n/n! "

"Hey! "

"We have to try and get you but I got stuck in a trap. We hacked the call and found the location but don't know how to get there" she sighs.

"It's okay.. Just be safe, we're trying to figure something out. It's only been hours and because of the stress knowing what's happening it feels like years" I giggle trying to not cry.

"I love you Y/n"

"I love you too, Addi"

"A-Lan wants to talk to you. "

"Princess? " he asks softly.

"I'm here A-Lan" I smile hearing his voice bringing me a sense of calmness that things might be okay.

"Are you okay? "

"I'm fine, I miss you guys and I'm just worried, but at least Zoey is okay"

"I love you Y/n/n, we'll get you from there soon I promise. "

"I love you too. I gotta go before he finds out" I quickly hang up hearing footsteps.

The door opens "who is talking in here? " Olivia asks.

"It's just me, Daniel and Y/n, she needed toilet paper for her bathroom since she's out and - and we got some from Daniel" Troian says. Not bad.

We are in Daniels room? Not bad either.

"Whatever just get her back to her room. Now. " she orders.

"Of course. " Troian and Daniel each take one of my hands leading me to my room.

"You can use my phone whenever we just have to be careful and not be caught okay? "

"Thank you so much Daniel, you too Troian, you make this place less miserable already. If I die in here at least I had some friends" I smile laying on my bed as they leave. I go to sleep since it's already dark.

Kinda sloppily written. I wanted to update cuz I can't sleep. It's 5:55 am for me rn and now I'm tired so heh- yea. Hope you enjoyed! TBC.

I'm working on a Wyatt× reader rn too :) updates should start coming more faster for it. For this one I have to think of ideas that aren't total 💩 yk :')

Lemme know what you think so far? Feedback is appreciated<3

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