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Alan's POV

"Mother ship has almost calculated the coordinates to Utopoia" I say.  "She's having trouble extracting the coordinates from Addison's DNA, we have been stuck at 97% complete for a while"

"Oh come on mother ship! " A-Li yells.

I give her "that look"

The exhales a deep breath "Awoo.. "

Then hits the ship.

"That did it" she smiles "only a few more minutes now"

"I've been thinking... Why didn't your grandmother just tell us you were the map? " A-Spen asks Addison "why make our search so difficult? "

"Maybe she thought there was something to learn by staying in Seabrook a while" Addison responds.

The some of her memories start to play.

"I will miss your friends.. Especially Y/n" I look at Addison sadly.

"But not the discordant ones tho, in Utopia we will never have conflict" I say smiling brightly.

"But sometimes you need conflict" Addison responds "look what happened once we over came out differences"

"You became friends" I reply

"We did, together we made progress, conflict isn't always bad, being challenged pushes us to be better"

"This is true" I say as A-Spen and A-Li look down.

"No one spoke up while our planet suffered because we didn't wanna create Disharmony" A-Spen points out.

"And now our planets gone" A-Li adds.

"Harmony isn't silence, unity isn't sane-ness, Love is powerful it can handle disagreements" A-Spen says as Addison looks over to me then A-Li then A-Spen

"I know where my grandma wanted her people to live! "

My eyes widen and my smile grows.

"The most perfectly imperfect place there is! "

Earth shows up

"You have found our new home! " I state happily

'I will get to see Y/n again and win more competitions! "

"Take us there mother ship! "

"Please" A-Li adds.

Your POV

"How come you don't have alien hair like your grandmother? " Stacey asks Bucky

"because I'm not an alien! I'm an ordinary person!  An extraordinary normal, awesome fantastic normal person" he gloats.

"Bucky if you were different you know we'd-" Lacey gets cut off.

"Mock me? "

I hit his head and walk away

"It is gonna be awesome when we're all at college" Bree says as I walk over. "Leaving Seabrook isn't the end. It's the beginning! "

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎~𝐀-𝐋𝐚𝐧×𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫~Where stories live. Discover now