Final Quality Time.

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"So you are going?" A-Lan tries his best to sound happy for y/n.

"Yea, you guys were right it could be good for me to learn about my origin" you say as you throw one of your legs over his

"I'm happy for you Y/n..and I'll support you through this" he says as he kisses your head.

"I love you" you mumble as you drift off to sleep.

"I love you most ..." He mumbles into your head as a few stray tears fall down his cheeks as he starts overthinking again

"What if she finds someone better there?"

"What if she doesn't come back.."

"What if she leaves me permanently.."

He stares down at you admiring you as you sleep trying to stop overthinking.

"Calm down A-Lan..she loves you..she wouldn't leave you..right..?"

He eventually falls asleep

Next morning

"A-Lan..." You slowly shake him as you watch him sleep peacefully. Mouth open the slightest bit.

"Love?" You lay back down and put your face in front of his and start planting little kisses around his face.

"Hm.." he says as his eyes slowly start to open.

"G'morning love!" You smile brightly looking at him as he sits up.

His hair is a mess "Good morning Y/n" he says in his morning voice making you smile as he kisses your head.

"I'm hanging out with the others in an houur soo...wanna cuddle and talk til then?"

He nods as you lay back down and he lays on top of you resting his head on your chest wrapping his arms around your torso.

Your hands find their way to his hair and starts playing with it "A-Lan, I don't think you will ever understand how much I love you" I say as he starts blushing and looking up at me.

Your pov

"You'll never understand how much you mean to me Y/n, you've become the most important person to me...and thing ... I don't think I'll ever be capable of loving another like I love you"

"You like more then winning and being better than others too?"

"That's going a bit far"

"Wow rude" I turn my head and remove my hands from his hair pouting

"I'm kidding. I'd rather never win a competition again if I could be with you forever, if I have you I've already won it all"

"That was cheesy A-Lan...but I love you too" I kiss his nose and start rubbing his back.

I sigh as I start thinking about tomorrow.

"I can't believe this is our last alone time together for the next year.."

"Yea..but hey .. if you have fun and it makes you happy it's worth it Y/n"

"I guess...I'll just miss you guys so much"

"Hey, we're always together y/n, no matter the distance"

"Yea..and we can call and facetime whenever!"

He lifts his head up and I bring my face down to his and attach our lips. "I love you" I say again as we pull away

Tried to make some fluff before some angst!

Leaving tomorrow~~

I know right you're author is just SO rude smh.

:)) Anyways! Short chapter better than nothing right?

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎~𝐀-𝐋𝐚𝐧×𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫~Where stories live. Discover now