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"Y/n we have the test results back" the doc says

"What tests? " addi asks.

"Some blood test, gene tests, and to see why my mark is fading" I say nervously. "What is it..? "

A-Lan clearly sense my nervousness and grabs my hand sitting beside me on the bed. "Whatever it is, it'll be okay Y/n"

"Well... You're losing your werewolf side... I'm sorry.. " the doctor says handing me some papers.

"But on the other hand your alien genes are developing and you're slowly becoming a full alien" he half smiles hoping that'll make it better.

"I'm... What..? I won't be a werewolf..? " I stare dumbfounded and he shakes his head "I'm sorry" the doc says walking out.

"No.. I have nothing against being an alien but.. I was going to move into the den with some. Of the wolves to protect them and have fun with them to keep me occupied when you guys went to college" a strata cheek falls down my cheek. "How will I tell them..?"

"Y/n, we still love you just the same, and if the wolves can't accept you losing your wolf side because of something you can't control that's their loss" Addi says which makes A-Lan nod. "And it is clearly not your fault, so you can't beat yourself up about it"

"Thanks guys.. " I wipe a few tears and try to steady my breathing a little.

They both take one of my hands "so Y/!n, one of these days we need to go to a store, you can listen to music with headphones if you want while we're there" A-Lan winks.

I glare at addi. "YOU TOLD HIM?! " I growl at her "okay gotta go! Love ya sis! " and runs out.

Then I start coughing. "Aww don't worry princess, I think it was cute" he kisses my head causing me to blush. "No. It. Was. Not. It was highly embarrassing" I groan hiding my face in my hands.

"Well then you're cute when you're embarrassed"

"A-Laaaaaan... " I say in an embarrassed pouty voice.

He moves my hands and puts one of his own on the side of my face. He brings my face closer to his and rests his forehead on mine "You're adorable Y/n" he says chuckling a little before kissing your cheek.

Then mom and  dad walk in "Hey y- are we interrupting? "


"A-Lan can you go for a bit please? We need to to y/n in private"

"What's going on mom..? "

"Of course Mrs Wells " A-Lan stands up "See you later Y/n/n" he smiles and leaves and they walk in.

"What's going on? " I ask cautiously.

"Your father he-"

"Dad? "

"No sweetie, your sperm donor father- he found us somehow and wants to see you"

(That part was weird writing but yk)

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎~𝐀-𝐋𝐚𝐧×𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫~Where stories live. Discover now