Dead ending

674 11 16

This is what would have happened if y/n would have died when she flat lined. No affect to the plot just a bonus chapter

A-Lans Pov

I grab Y/ns hand and suddenly...





The heart monitor Flatlines.. ", no, no, no!"  I let go of her hand and run into the hall "We need some help here!! She flatlined!!" I yell as doctors flood the room.

I try to go in but one doctor stops me "Sorry sir you can't come in, wait in the waiting room"

"Clear!" One doctor yells.

I go into the waiting room and quickly grab my Luma Lense, which still works as a phone too with the additional features we have installed, and call Addison.

She answers "is something wrong?"

"Y/n flatlined ... The doctors are with her now" I say trying to choke back sobs.

I take a few deep breaths as Addi is trying to say something but I don't pay attention.

My breathing becomes heavy and my vision blurs.

I fall into a chair, I start trembling and my throat is now tight.

I begin to sweat and my heart rate is sky rocketing.

I sit down and try to take deep breaths but it isn't working.

"H-help.." I say not being able to breathe.

A doctor rushed over.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

Obviously not.

"I can-cant bre-athe" I manage to get out as the doctor kneels in front of me.

"Sir close your eyes and focus on your breathing. With me now. Slowly inhale through your nose" I slowly inhale.

"Now slowly exhale through your mouth"

I slowly exhale.

"Now repeat this"

I do this over and over until the doctor that said I had to wait here comes out.

Addis Pov

"Mom, dad! A-Lan called! Y/n flat lined we have to go!" They grab the keys dropping everything they had and running to the car.

We quickly drive to the hospital while I call Willa. She answers not long after "Hey Addi!"

"Y/n flatlined, I don't know how she is now but get to the hospital"

I hang up and call A-Li. I yell her the same thing as everyone else and soon we're all outside the hospital.

We rush in and see A-Lan with a doctor kneeling in front of him.

"A-Lan! What happened?" A-Spen asks.

"He had a panic attack" the doctor answers. "he's okay now but keep an eye on him" we all nod.

A-Lan shoots up and walks over to a doctor.

Mom and dad are talking to a lady at the front desk.

I walk up to A-Lan who's talking to the doctor.

I signal for mom and dad to come over since they're giving us updates on Y/n.

Willas Pov

I get a call from Addison. "Hey Addi!"

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎~𝐀-𝐋𝐚𝐧×𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫~Where stories live. Discover now