The truth

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I had asked A-Lan if he could get Willa, Wyatt and Wynter, I talked to Dr Adleman and he said I could have 4 visitors just for me to relay the news but just this once.

So I'm nervously waiting in my room hyperventilating.

"Y/n, no matter what happens, I'm here for you okay? But I also promise you that they won't hate you, so calm down, you're their best friends!"

"But what if-" he cuts me off by kissing me.

Which immediately calms nerves as I melt into the kiss and his touch.

"Are we interrupting? " Willa asks laughing.

We immediately pull away and my face is  flushed pink.

"I think that's a yes" Wyatt laughs as well.

"Y/n, what's with your hair? " Winter asks and the three look at me confused.

"Where'd the white go? " Willa asks as they walk closer.

I look at A-Lan and he nods. "I'm so sorry.. The werewolf had drained out of me.. And my alien genes developed.. "

"So you're saying.. "

"I'm no longer a werewolf and a full alien.. " I say trying to not cry and taking the necklace off.

"Here's the Moonstone back.. " I try to hand it to Willa and she smiles. "Keep it, you'll always be apart of our pack Y/n, and now you'll always be our Co-Alpha" Willa says as the other two nod.

"You're not mad...? " I wipe the stray tear that was rolling down my cheeks as they start laughing.

"What.. -"

"Y/n we love you for you, werewolf, alien, Human, we were your best friends when you were human, so now you being alien won't change that ok? " Wyatt assures.

"Is this why you've been telling the doctors to not let us see you? " Winter asks.

"Yea.. I'm sorry.. I was disappointed and thought you'd hate me" I shrug.

They wrap me in a hug the best they can since I'm still just sitting up on the bed.

"I love you guys" I smile in the hug.

"We love you more" they all say together causing us all to laugh.

"So what's been going on with you? " Wyatt asks as they all pull away.

"Well  my donor dad came to see me, he ran DNA tests and found me then got my mom's number, and he is kinds cool"

"That's great Y/n! "

"Yea, and they might release me next week!"

"Im so happy for you! " Wynter smiles.

Then Mr Adleman walks in "Miss L/n, two of the guests have to leave now. Apologies"

"We'll come and see you more if you actually let us in" they laugh standing up.

"I promise" we laugh and say our goodbyes as they leave.

"That went.. Well" I say putting the necklace back on and rubbing it smiling.

"I told you. They love you either her way"

"Thank you"

"For what?

"For being here for me. You've barely left my side this whole time, when there's other things you could be doing, other people you could be seeing, but you're still choosing me"

"I'll always choose you, you're one of the best things that has happened to me"

"One of? "

"Earth being my Utopia is number 1, then I wouldn't be able to be with you like this or at all if it wasn't"

"I love you" I laugh and kiss his cheek.

"I love you more"

I scoot over and he lays beside me.

Next day

I'm with Donor dad. Nobody else just him. He said he had something important to discuss with me. Privately.

"So Y/n, I think it'd be good for you if you embraced some of your culture from my side."

"What are you implying? "

"I think when you get released you should come with me to Germany for a bit"

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎~𝐀-𝐋𝐚𝐧×𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫~Where stories live. Discover now