Troian and Daniel

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A whole in the ground appears and they throw me in as they jump in soon after.

I look forward and instead of seeing dirt I see a mansion. A creepy mansion. "Uhm- wha-"

"Vampire magic" who I'm assuming is Troian responds smiling.

I nod as they lead me inside.

"This will be your room" they say as they open a door.


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"It's  .... Very different" I sigh trying to not insult them.

"Olivia, Troian, Liam, give her a makeover" another boy says

"Uh-" suddenly you get pushed into the room and they rummage through the closest "go put this on! " they demand you grab the clothes and run into the bathroom.

You put them on and look at yourself in the mirror. "Eh.. " you walk out looking down

"Now sit we have to fix the mess on your face" The boy I'm assuming is Liam commands as I do as he says.

"Now accessories" a blonde says holding up a ring and necklace.

I put them on.

"Can we do anything about the nails and hair? " the boy asks.

"The hair we can't, it doesn't dye and I'd prefer if we kept my claws the same.."

They nod. "You look good enough! " Liam smiles

"Now come on! Alex wants to see us all" the blonde says

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"Now come on! Alex wants to see us all" the blonde says.

I nod and kept my eyes on the floor as we walk into the room he's in "Better. Much better" he says.

"I'm Alexander, this Olivia, Troian, Daniel and Liam" he says pointing to everyone

"Y/n" I slightly wave.

"We know" Olivia gives me a sarcastic smile.

"Right sorry" your eyes avert back to the floor.

Alexander walks up to me and lifts my chin up so I face him.

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎~𝐀-𝐋𝐚𝐧×𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫~Where stories live. Discover now