Who are you?

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Next day

There's a knock on the door "come in A-La-" the door opens to reveal some older guy. Looks in his 30's.

"Who are you? "

"You're Y/n wells right? "

"Yes? "

"I am your father"

"My donor father? "


"How'd you find me? "

"Ran some DNA tests, found out I had a daughter, I went to the sperm bank where I donated mine and they gave me your moms number, I called her and we talked and she said you were in the hospital, now here we are"

"That's.. Cool I guess.. "

"You're very pretty" he enters the room and shuts the door.

"Uhm yes thanks I guess, have you seen a boy with blue hair out there? "

"Uhm... Yea.. He was in the waiting room?"

"Can you go get him? "

"I asked him to wait out there so I could talk to my daughter"

"Well we can talk but I want him here"

"Uhm... Okay.. "

"Thank you"

Your donor father walks out and a few minutes later A-Lan and Him wall back in.

"Hey love" I greet A-Lan as he kisses my head.

He sits by me on the bed as dad continues just standing there "awkward.. " I mumble.

"So how'd you end up here? " donor father asks.

"Long story short, vampires took me I was a werewolf I was forced to take my Moonstone off and I got really sick then went into a coma and now I'm not a werewolf anymore.. "

"You got the werewolf genes from me.. " he weakly smiles.

"And I got the alien genes from mom but I'm full alien now and no longer their great alpha.. " thinking about this makes me sad and A-Lan takes my hand and squeezes it smiling at me.

Then Mr Adleman walks in. "Ms L/n it's time to check your vitals, new visitor? "

"This is my donor father" I say kind of awkwardly.

"I'm Y/ns main doctor, doctor Adleman, nice to meet you"

"Pleasures mine" dad replies shaking his hand. "And thank you for taking such good care of my daughter" he looks at me then Dr Adleman "Say... How old are you?

(Vital signs.. Idk it's what google said- so-called if it doesn't make sense pretend)

"I'm 21 sir" he responds confused.

I look at A-Lan who's glaring at donor dad knowing where he is going with this.

"And Y/n your how old? "

"18.. But I'm already in love with my boyfriend" A-Lan blushes but smiles and kisses my head. "And I'm in love with my girlfriend" he smiles which makes me blush this time.

"Oh.. You two are a... " his mouth makes a small "O" shape.

I laugh awkwardly. "Uh sorry Dr Adleman, your cute but not my type. My boyfriend is everything I want, need and more" I kiss A-Lans cheek.

(I'm jk Marry me pls. You're so my type.. Love them both ❤)

"And I don't date my patients"

We all laugh.

2 days later.

I have been feeling nauseous recently. Dr Adleman says said I'm just sick, nothing to bad, everyone gets sick.

I spent all of yesterday with my mom and donor dad. A-Lan came in for a bit but he understood.

And today I've been spending time with Addi and Donor dad, we actually have alot in on and he isn't bad.. He was also a werewolf as we suspected, but he managed to somewhat hide it. Everyone thought He was just weird. He even lived in Germany before he came here!

I've been refusing to see the wolves.. I just hope I didn't hurt them, but I've decided to tell them tomorrow.. I'm kind of scared, but my hair has fully developed as blue now too!

One of the nurses even styled my hair, turns out she is also a hairstylist! And my nails naturally changed

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One of the nurses even styled my hair, turns out she is also a hairstylist! And my nails naturally changed.

(The nails were actually called stardust "it's like liquid stardust on my nails") which I thought was funny.

(Or imagine those but shorter, also just called " Stardust")

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(Or imagine those but shorter, also just called " Stardust")

I actually kind of like my donor dad, he's cool! Minus the shipping me with my doctor part..

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎~𝐀-𝐋𝐚𝐧×𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫~Where stories live. Discover now