Their Reactions

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Each characters reaction and thoughts when they found out you were in a coma

I already did A-Lan and Addison in the story kinda yk so..


No..what if she doesn't wake up ..

She panicked inside but tried to keep it down but it didn't work and the tears started falling.

She doesn't deserve this..


No..I need.. her...she has to wake up..

He blamed himself for not protecting you

Isolates himself.


No..this has to be a joke..y/n...the one who got us our moonstone..the one who has been supporting us since we got a coma...with a low chance of awaking..

Tries a lot harder to protect everyone now


Also blamed herself for not protecting you, she knew how welcoming you were and now because she didn't think of another.plam the vampires almost killed you.

She needs to wake up..she is my best friend...I can't do this without her now..


Tried to comfort everyone else knowing they feel bad too.

I can't ... Why did those monsters have to do this to her..


This happened because she wanted to get Zoey wouldn't have happened if I watched Zoey better... Then neither of them would have this trauma..

Tries comforting Addi. They both cry into eachother.

Daniel and Troian:

Blame themselves because it kinda is technically their faults.

We should have just helped her..


I didn't know her too well but she opened us with open arms...she's A-Lans girlfriend..not he could lose the love of his life because of some dumb vampires!

She's upset by it all.


She'll be okay! She's a fighter. She's part Alien and Werewolf so she has to be strong..she can do this..right..?

Supporting A-Lan the whole time.


Y/n can't leave us like this.

She just can't

Refuses to accept that you could die.


Y/n/ a coma..chance of can't be true..she will wake up and everything will be back to normal...maybe not normal but... She has to wake up.

^ that says it all I guess ...


English: Y/n...she has to be fine, if we lose her we'll all fall apart

Zombie: mRR orR GRr nuurg Aaaaa rRAa Rrrrrr Ooooo ggrR ORR Ooooo ROO Ahh aarraaa RrRAa!!

(zombie translator credit to one of my readers)

Worries about everyone


Feels like a failure for not paying more attention and noticing you were taken. Was told you were with the pack

My baby ... She can't leave us ..


Also feels like a failure

Why her...she never did anything wrong

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