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Zed and Troian go in to see her next

A-Lans Pov

Why did this have to happen to her..I can't lose My Y/n, since I've found her she has made me better...if she dies..I don't know what I'd do..

I have a chance of losing her over some petty vampire who's Ego was hurt? Why did they want Y/n anyway?

But if she dies..I will personally kill them..

No what am I thinking..

But they deserve it.

My thoughts get cut off by Addi "Hey, everyone has seen her, mom and dad said we can stay with her. Are you coming?" She asks and I immediately stand up and nod.

We go to her room and I sit on the bed beside her while Addi takes the chair.

"I can't do this without her..since I've met her she's been all I've thought about...other than Utopia but even then, she helped me understand what I didn't know about this planet ... So I can't make here without her" I say to Addi as tears start falling again..

She walks up and stands beside me "I feel the same..she has always been there for me..I don't know where'd I'd be without her" I stand up wrapping her into a hug and we cry into each other's shoulder.

I release from Addi and we both go back to our spots. We sit there looking at her in silence wondering if she'll wake up or not for the rest of the day.

Until a doctor comes in "visiting hours are over"

"I cant leave her" I say not moving my gaze from Y/n.

"I'm sorry sir you have too"


"We can come back first thing in the morning, ,let's go" Addi takes my hand leading me out.

"Fine whatever .."

Next day

3rd person pov

First thing in the morning A-Lan is there talking to the front desk lady "just wait 5 more minutes"


"I wish I had someone like you in my corner, but I promise you we'll do everything we can for Miss Wells, not much we can do but we're doing what we can" she reassures him. He nods. "Thank you..."

After the five minutes he rushes to the room to your side.

Then Willa walks in "A-Lan?" He ignores her.

"Don't wanna talk?" She asks and he ignores her again.

He shuns everyone out like that for the rest of the day.

Then the day after.

And the day after that

Even A-Spen and A-Li can't get through to him.

Everyday he comes in when they allow visitors and leaves when visiting hours are shut

Everyone comes and goes, they don't try to make A-Lan leave knowing what he's going through so they all come visit you one at a time for the next 2 weeks.

Everyone and everything has been a wreck.

A-Lan and Addison have been falling apart but Addi doesn't like leaving her room anymore and A-Lan doesnt like leaving your side.

(I'm rushing a little bit because I can't exactly write the same thing over and over for everyday so just moving forward)

Willa, Wynter and Wyatt have gone back to taking care of the pack with occasional visits. They're still really torn up but seeing you there makes it worse.

Everyone else except the vampiress still come and visit but they have tried to continue on with their normal life even with the pain.

The vampires don't come and see you, they don't even try because of their guilt.

A-Lan looks at you sadly.

Song starts


All those days chasing down a daydream
All those years living in a blur

Tears start falling once again.

All that time never truly seeing things
The way they were

Now she's here shining in the starlight
Now she's here suddenly I know

If she's here, it's crystal clear
I'm where I'm meant to go~

And at last I see the light
And it's like the fog has lifted

And at last I see the light
And it's like the sky is new

And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted

All at once everything is different
Now that I see you

Song ends.

He sang your guy's song hoping it'd make him happier or make you wake up. But to his didn't do either.

He grabs your hand and suddenly..






The heart monitor Flatlines..

Sorry this isn't as dramatic as I wanted it to be..

Stay tuned :)

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