Kidnapped twice

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"Yea. Now you won't see her again" he grins. "Looks like you're once again friendless" he winks walking away grabbing my wrist and dragging me with him.

"Also. I'll need to punish you for changing outfits"

"I was uncomfortable in that around people I don't know.. Especially vampires, disrespectfully"

He slaps me across the face causing my cheek to turn red.

He drags me into the party room.

"Party is starting, be prepared" he walks off as people start walking through the door.

I sit in the corner watching everyone remembering the party from after the graduation when Addison, and the aliens got back.

"Hello? " I look up and see a boy standing over me with his hands in his pockets.

He has red and black hair. Paler skin and bright green eyes.

"Uhm sorry, hey there" I weakly smile

He sits beside me "something wrong? "

"No just thinking"

"About? "

"Nothing important, but uhm, who are you? "

"I'm James, nice to meet you"

"Y/n wells" I smile at him and he smiles back "Why do you look so alone? "

"Because I am- was alone. Until you came over" I say with a 'duh' tone.

"Oh yea duh- but you seem out of it"

"Well I was just taken away from everyone I love and left to here to die without my Moonstone, y know just the usual" I roll my eyes.

"So you're the great alpha? "

"Yea.. Did the hair not give it away? "

"Not really. I dyed my hair like this. A lot of people here have normal hair or dyed hair so ya never know"

"But you all wear red and black"

"Just the normal vampire colors I guess"

"If I get out of here I'm never wearing this color scheme again. The friends I've made one is locked up and I have the end the other one all day"

"Alexander told me to avoid him but he really isn't that bad"

"Well, you just made a new friend" he holds out his fist which I hit with mine.

"This party is boring" I groan.

"Want some blood? " he asks.

My eyes widen "I'm sorry wha-"

"The drinks! They're actually fruit punch I was tryna mess with you sorry" he laughs.

"Oh no it's fine, I'm okay thanks though, all I want is to get out of here. I've been here 2 days and I don't like it. I miss my boyfriend. My sister. My friends" I ramble on before covering my mouth "sorry"

He chuckles "no don't worry about it, your boyfriend is really lucky cause you're gorgeous"

"Uhm thanks."

"I mean platonically of course. "

I laugh.

"You have  a really pretty laugh"

My mind goes back to when A-Lan said that when he had first gotten here.

I smile to myself playing with my nails "thanks.. "

"Wanna get out of here and go somewhere quieter? "

I nod "we can go to my room for a bit. I don't wanna be here, not like anyone will notice I'm gone" I shrug standing up and walking to my room with James following me.

When we get to my room I lay on the bed. He sits in a chair not far away.

"So tell me about yourself. "

"Well I'm Y/n wells. I have the best sister ever. I'm the leader of the werewolves which I didn't know til not long ago. I'm also part alien. I have an amazing boyfriend. A-Lan. And the best friends ever. And I'm only here because I had to save my friend. She's a zombie kid and my sisters boyfriends sister. But I love her. And I have graduated high school"

"I'm James, Never went to high school, not nearly as interesting, only a vampire and have no friends"

"Hey, we're friends aren't we? " I say offended.

"Yea" he laughs.

We spend the next few hours just talking and lost track of time.

"I'll be back"

I go to my bathroom but as I open the door something gets held across My mouth. Then everything goes black.

~Addis Pov~

"Why hasn't Y/n called back? Did she get caught? Did something happen? " I pace Holding my phone.

"We shouldn't have let her go.. " Willa says looking down.

"Agreed... " Zed says.

"It was to get Zoey back guys, Y/n is strong.. I'm sure she's fine" Wyatt says trying to be optimistic.

"Do you guys still have her mind probe? " Eliza asks.

A-Li nods and opens it but it's black. "How is she not thinking of anything? " she asks.

"Maybe she's asleep..? " A-Spen asks.

"We'll try again later okay? For now we need to stop stressing okay? " Wyatt says.

I groan.

~James Pov~

I chloroformed Y/n and brought her to my mansion. I tied her up on a bed and sat in a chair beside it waiting for her to wake up.

"Ah.. Finally" her eyes slowly open and I stand up.

"What the heck.. " she says weakly.

"Aw is the great alpha not so great and strong now? " I tease.

"Remind me to never trust anyone again.."

"Yep.. That was your first mistake" I laugh.

"Alexander thought he was so great having the great alpha, but now it looks like I've got you~" I wink.

"What do you want James.. "


Her eyes widen.

"Not like that. I lied when I complimented you. Just to gain your trust. Alexander had you so I want you."

"Why... "

"We've always been enemies... He threw that party to brag to me"

"James.. "

I slap her.

"Quiet when I'm talking! Brat.. But now.. You're all mine. I can do whatever and there's nothing you can do about it"

"Huh.. "

"Listen, I could care less about you. But Alexander wants you. I won't let him have you but I also won't let you escape from me either. "


Y/ns weakness: too welcoming.

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎~𝐀-𝐋𝐚𝐧×𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫~Where stories live. Discover now