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The photo ^ was the original cover photo for this book. Upgrade or downgrade?

"K, can you send Daniel and Trojan in please? " I yawn.

"Of course princess, tell if anything happens I'll see you soon" he kisses my forehead before walking off.

Daniel and Troian walk in.

"Long time no see" I weakly smile before coughing again.

"Yea... y/n we're so sorry... " Daniel says rushing to my side.

"Guys I don't blame you.. You guys are what kept me alive in there, So don't stress it okay? You're my friends too, how have you guys been? "

"Not well.. You were all we could think about and how you're here because of us" Troian says looking down.

"It's okay, I don't blame you guys" I smile at them. "There's nothing we can do to change it so don't stress it" I reassure them.

"Okay... Thanks Y/n" they smile at me.

"Can you send Olivia and Liam in please"

They nod and walk out.

A few minutes later Olivia and Liam walk in "Y/n.." They look down.

"Hey, don't blame yourselves okay, I should have been stronger. But I'll survive then we can go hang out and make it up to me, k? " I smile at them which causes them to laugh a little.

"Of course Y/n/n" Liam smiles.

"How have you guys been holding up? "

"Not well.. At all" they shrug

"Well be happy! Wanna make it up to me? Don't beat yourselves up over this! Got it? "

They laugh.

"I just wanted to see how you all are holding up. Did Alexander come? "

They shake their head "no, he didn't he refused sorry Y/n" Olivia says as she walks up to me.

"Oh ok.. Well you guys can leave then.. I don't fully know why I had you guys come I just wanted to see you" I smile.

"Bye y/n. We'll come visit more often" they smile and leave and A-Lan walks back in.

"How'd it go? "

"Went fast. Didn't have much to say" I say laughing a little.

A-Lan just stares at me with a smile.

A-Lans POV

I'm so lucky to have her. She is so strong and so gorgeous. Even after what the vampires did she can still forgive them... She has a heart of gold. I stare at her love stuck with a goofy smile on my face.

"Hey you okay?" She asks.

"Just admiring.. You're amazing Y/n you know that right? You've been through so much these past 4 weeks.. I promise I will always try my best to protect you, I love you" I grab her hand but she moves it to rest it on my cheek. I lay my head there as she strokes my cheek blushing.

"I love you A-Lan. You're so cheesy.. But I like it" she laughs which causes me to laugh.

Then Addi comes in "hey Y/n/n! Hey A-Lan! " she says smiling as she enters.

Y/ns pov

"Hey Addison" A-Lan says turning to look at her.

"You guys are so cute. I'm happy for you two" she smiles.

"What's up? " I giggle.

"Well I wanted to update you. Everyone apologizes for not coming to see you morex but they don't want to intrude on you and A-Lan" she winks. "But Zoey will come visit you tomorrow and relationship updates. Willa and A-Spen are dating, Wyatt and Eliza have finally became official, and me and Zed decided you and A-Lan need to have Alien pups eventually. We want to be godparents" she pouts.

(They're adults now so don't attack me.)

"A-ADDI! " I sputter out trying to hide my now pink face.

A-Lan just freezes and blushes.

"I'm kidding. But we do want the alien pups eventually, just not now" she laughs "you guys are ridiculous"

"I hate you" I mumble looking away

"But mom and dad will be coming here to see you in 30 minutes, they say it's something important but wouldn't tell me" she shrugs

The doctors come in. "Y/n we have the test results back" he says holding up a paper.

Again short chapter but I'm getting more ideas :)

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎~𝐀-𝐋𝐚𝐧×𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫~Where stories live. Discover now