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No one's  Pov

"I'm so sorry... Y/n she is..." The doctor pauses. "She's in a coma, I'm so sorry"

Everyone's face drops into frowns. Tears start forming in everyone's eyes.

"No..yo-you're joking? What's the perfect rate she'll wake up?" Addi stammers.

"Not high..36%.."

"So 64% she won't make it.." A-Spen says hugging Willa.

Wyatt hugs Eliza both squeezing eachother right.

"Can we see her..?"  A-Lan asks tears sliding down his cheeks.

"Only 2 in the room at a time"

"Mom, dad, you guys should go" Addi says as they nod and follow the doctor.

"I can't believe it.." Addi sighs sitting down as tears keep falling from everyone's eyes. "She can't leave. I need her.." A-Lan says wiping tears.

"We need her too A-Lan..we just have to have hope.." Willa says.

"Y'know what they about breeds eternal misery" a voice says. Everyone turns and sees Troian and Daniel there.

(famous Spencer Hastings line, Troian in pll :) )

"Why are you here? You have no right to be here!" Willa says as her eyes glow along with her moonstone. Wynter and Willa doing the same.

Zed and Eliza grab their Z-bands.

"Chill. We're her friends we wanted to her to leave but we couldn't help" Daniel says looking down

"Couldn't or wouldn't?" A-Li asks with sass.

"Wouldn't..but we regret it. We didn't know how without Alex killing us all!" Troian defends.

"Well because of you guys my girlfriend is in there in a coma!! Which she might not wake up from!" A-Lan says tears falling more.

"We didn't come here to fight. We just wanted to see Y/n. We cared about her too" Daniel says.

"Could have fooled me" Wynter says getting held back by Eliza and Wyatt.

"We let her use the phone to call you guys so we can't be that bad"

"Whatever, but we still hate you and you're not seeing her without one of us in the room" Zed says defensively.

"Whatever" the 2 shrug

"By the way how is she?" Dan asks.

"In a coma"

They look at eachother than down.

Dale and Missy then walk out. "She looks So lifeless.." Missy says hugging Dale.

"I'm going next" Addi says and looks around.

"Me too " A-Lan and Addi walk off.

Addis Pov~

Me and A-Lan walk into the room. She does look so lifeless. I walk to one side and A-Lan walks to the other. I take one of her hands and stare at her.

I look at A-Lan to see in his face that he's a mess. "She's a fighter... she'll wake up"

"'re right..she has too.."

I don't know what I'll do without her..

A-Lans pov

Me and Addison walk into the room.

I stare at her body just laying there.  I take one of her hands into mine staring at her I become a mess inside. I don't know what to do or feel. All I can feel is sadness and guilt as I look at my girlfriend like this.

This is my fault. I shouldn't have let her go. I left her and now she's in a coma.

She taught me how to feel and love. We'll technically the emotional suppressor getting turned off did but.. she taught me how to feel love

I love her and now I could lose her.

I love winning but now..I could lose the most important part of my life.

She can't leave me..

I squeeze her hand staring at her face. I move a strand of her hair off of her face and touch her moonstone. If only she would have had it sooner. If I would have came sooner.

We should have thought of a different solution to this..

I back away from her as the tears fall more and faster. I get close to her face and kiss her cheek. "I love strong please..we can't lose you" before running out.  When I get back to everyone else with Addison behind me Zed and Troian stand up. "When all you guys are done I'm staying with her...I have's my fault she's here and I can't lose her."

",It's all our fault..we let her go and the vampires did this to her" Addison says wrapping me in a hug. I hug her back crying into her shoulder.


I'll write a bonus chapter of everyone's thoughts when they found out about her in a coma and when they saw her body there :)

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