The Flirt

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"Maybe I don't wanna meet him" I shrug.

"Well he wants to meet you, besides it isn't like he left you or anything he didn't even know that he had you, I'm assuming" Mom shrugs

"But Dale will always be my real father" I hold my hand up to dad and he high Fives me. "I love you guys" I smile.

"So how are you? "

"I'm losing my werewolf side but my alien genetics are developing" my smile fades.

"I'm sorry hon, I know you liked being a werewolf, but hey now you'll be full alien, Like your boyfriend! " dad says happily.

"I guess" I laugh a little and shrug. "Did he say when he'd be here? "

" no he didn't but he said he'd call me. I guess he got my number from the bank or what ever after doing DNA tests and finding out he had you! " mom lightly hits my leg.

I laugh a bit "That will interesting. But I bet I get my good looks from you anyway" I grin at mom and me, her and dad all laugh.

"I'll let A-Lan come back in now. See you later honey, I have to get the office and your father has to get to the station, we love you! " mom says waving as they walk over to the door

A-Lan walks back in a bit after they leave.

"How'd it go? "

"My sperm donor father wants to meet me" he looks at me confused.

"Dale isn't my birth father, he couldn't get my mom pregnant so they went and got a sperm donor" I hide my face at the awkwardness of this conversation.

"Ohh, that's good right? "

"Eh.. I guess" I shrug.

A female nurse walks in the room. "Hey Y/n? Right? I'm the new doc-" then she sees A-Lan and grins. "Who's this? ~" she moves some hair behind her ear

(*debby Ryan*)

"This is MY boyfriend" I glare at her.

"What's your name cutie? " she asks walking up to him. He looks at me confused "A-Lan? "

"Cute name for a cute boy" she flirts

"His girlfriend it right here! " I growl. "If you're only here to flirt with MY boyfriend you can leave." She glares at me.

"Well he will be available when you die" she hands me papers "Yea your chances of survival right now are not high. Toodles! " she winks at A-Lan and leaves.

I grab the hospital room phone and hit the button for help. Dr Adleman, my main doctor, rushes in.

"Y/n! What happened? What's wrong? " he asks walking up to me.

"That new nurse irks me. She came in and started flirting with my boyfriend then I told her than if she was only here to flirt with him she could leave and she said" I clear my throat.

I try to get her tone of voice "he'll be available when you die, yea you're chances of survival aren't that high. Toodles! " then winked at him and walked out! "

"Y/n, I am very sorry about this. I'll talk to her. If something happens again tell me immediately and we'll handle it. She's a new intern so..Sorry about that" He puts his hand on mine and smiles.

(I'm imagining him as Wren from pretty little liars right now and Aish @-@ )

Dr Adleman:

(Pretend he like

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(Pretend he like... Graduated school early or smth idk but pretend he's 21 😗)

"Y/n, I am very sorry about this. I'll talk to her. If something happens again tell me immediately and we'll handle it." He puts his hand on mine and smiles.

I pull my hand away and put it on A-Lans but smile at him anyway. "Always a pleasure" he smiles at A-Lan and leaves.

I glare at the door.

"Aww were you jealous? " he teases.

"Maybe... "

"Y/n, I'd never leave you.. Especially for her, I remember you taught me about jealousy before" he laughs a little.

"I trust you.. But I don't trust her.. " I continue glaring.

He kisses my cheek which causes me to blush again.

A-Lans pov

A female nurse enters the room "Hey Y/n?  Right? I'm the new doc-" she looks at me and grins. "Who is this? " She moves some hair behind her ear

"that is MY boyfriend" Y/n glares at her.

Aww she's jealous.. I don't know why. But she is so adorable.

"What's your name cutie? " she asks walking up to me

"A-Lan" I answer confused.

"Cute name for a cute boy" she says which is starting to make me uncomfortable.

"His girlfriend it right here! " y/n growls. "If you're only here to flirt with MY boyfriend you can leave." She glares at her.

"Well he will be available when you die" she hands y/n papers "Yea your chances of survival right now are not high. Toodles! " she winks at me and leaves.

She's joking right? Whatever. She'll survive. I believe in her.  I smile looking like a lovestruck puppy again at Y/n.

"Y/n! What happened? What's wrong? " he asks walking up to her

"That new nurse irks me. She came in and started flirting with my boyfriend then I told her than if she was only here to flirt with him she could leave and she said" she clears her throat.

I assume she's trying to get her tone of voice "he'll be available when you die, yea you're chances of survival aren't that high. Toodles! " then winked at him and walked out! " she rolls her eyes.

"Y/n, I am very sorry about this. I'll talk to her. If something happens again tell me immediately and we'll handle it." He puts his hand on hers and smiles.

This time causing me to glare at him.

She moves her hand and puts them on mine but still making me turn a little pink and grin at her. She smiles at him anyway. "Always a pleasure" he gestures to me and walks out.

Y/n glares at  the door.

"Aww were you jealous?" I tease

"Maybe... "

"Y/n, I'd never leave you.. Especially for her, I remember you taught me about jealousy before" I laughs a little.

"I trust you.. But I don't trust her.. " she continues glaring.

I kiss her cheek which causes her to blush again, making me smirk.


woohooo!!  A longer chapter :D

This was fun to write I can't lie

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