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"You won't get away with this" I groan trying to get myself untied.

He still has me tied up to this bed and he's been teasing me since he took me here.

"But I already have~"

"It hasn't even been a day!"

"Yet no one has come for you"

"Yet, I know they will"

"What makes you so sure? "

"The fact that Alex wanted to be the one to watch me suffer. He kidnapped a kid as bait"

"But I want to watch him suffer for not being able to watch you suffer" he laughs.

"To bad I'll still be able to watch her" Alex says approaching the bed.

"Guys! " I smile watching them all enter the room.

"Now I can take you down myself"

James stands up and Troian rushes over to me along with Daniel and Liam. They start untying me as Olivia and Alex start fighting.

Alex kicks him causing him to stumble back and out of the room.

I run and grab cauliflower. I think it's a vampire weakness? Why he'd keep it in his kitchen. No clue.

I run back to Alex and James still fighting. Olivia, Daniel, Troian and Liam are on the ground and James is pinning Alex down on the ground.

"You were always better than me but look who-"

James gets cut off by me shoving the cauliflower in his mouth.

He rolls off Alex spitting the cauliflower out and coughing.

Alex quickly grabs me and we all run out. "Not bad Y/n" Alex compliments "considering it is your fault"

"Wha-!? "

"I told you to stay away from him! "

"Why'd you let him in then?! "

"I couldn't stop him"

"Whatever. How'd you guys know I was there so soon? "

"Your sister called us. Said something about aliens, mind probes, they watched yours and saw him, they called us and told us you were acting strange, mind telling us how they got that number? "

"Uhm... That day that I had- that I had called them. Yesterday. Yea. That's it! "

"Yea.. Suuure... " he says clearly not believing it.

To make up for the last 2 short chapters. The next one will have 2k+ words I promise! I need to brainstorm ideas and I was kinda... Stuck on this one the next one will be better tho I swear!

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎~𝐀-𝐋𝐚𝐧×𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫~Where stories live. Discover now