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The day after I got released I spent the day with my friends and A-Lan. He is giving me the relaxing day he promised me tomorrow.

And I'm finally able to dress and be how I want again! I have my luma lenses back along with my moonstone, even though I'm not a werewolf anymore... Ya know the story.

He told me to dress comfy today so that's what I did

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He told me to dress comfy today so that's what I did.

This'll also be my last day with him..

Tomorrow I'm getting ice cream with Zoey and were having a sleepover after hanging out with the others for a bit. Then I'm leaving in 2 days to go to Germany with DD.

I still haven't talked to mom and dad about the fight..

I'm mad at them still. They can't control what I want! They weren't even there that often when I needed them..

A-Lan.. Was.

But now I'm leaving him.

But he said he'd support me. And this is what I want.

"Y/n~! " A-Lan walks into my room and sits beside me on the bed holding something in his hand.

"What's that? " I ask trying to see it as he continues holding it behind is back. "Come here and close your eyes" I scoot a little closer with a raised eyebrow as he pats his lap.

I sit on his legs and close my eyes.

"K stay still"

I smile and he starts putting something cold and kind of liquid like on my face.

"What's that?"

"Face mask!" He says cheerily

"Do you even know how to put them on?" I giggle little.

"Kind of, don't you just put it on your face?"

"Sorta ... Just not in the eyes and eyebrow"

Once he finishes I rush into the bathroom to get another facemask tube and sit on the counter "A-Lan..~ cmere!" I yell grinning.

He walks in and I wave him over. He stands between my legs and puts his hands on my legs as I start slowly applying the facemask

 He stands between my legs and puts his hands on my legs as I start slowly applying the facemask

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"You're so cute A-Lan" I sit in front of him admiring him. Everything about him...from his looks to the goofy his out of this world personality.

He's so did I get so lucky to have him.

"You're so perfect did I get this lucky?" I smile continuing to admire him.

"I love you Y/n, I never thought I'd ever feel anything close to this..but I'm a fool for you.. everything about you..I never want to be away from you" he responds back as I lean in and attach our lips.

One of his hands squeeze my thigh and the other goes through my hair moving it out of my face.

One of my hands goes to the back of his neck and the other to his stomach.

I put my forehead on his after we pull away

We stare into each other's eyes for a bit until I go to touch his face and touch his facemask.

The facemask..

I pull away and there is a chunk missing from his. It probably dried onto mine.

Which causes me to laugh "Sorry about that"

"What happened?" He asks confused

"There's a little missing from your face mask...I def didn't steal it"

A-Lans pov

"Eh it's all good."

I love this girl so much. Her giggle..her smile..

I'm so glad she's okay.

"They're dry now" she says as she starts peeling my mask off. It hurts a little can't lie.

"You're face is so red.." she runs her hand over my cheeks.

"Well I'm not blushing.."

"The mask must've done it" she shrugs as I pick at a little part of her mask and slowly start to peel it.

Once its off I pick her up and bring her to the bed.  "I'll be back love" I quickly walk out of the room and go to the kitchen.

I grab a bag of cookies I made earlier along with some snacks and go back.

"Y/n~ I got you're favorite!"


(Favorite snack)


"Ooo I love you!!" Her smile grows more when I hand them to her.

"What should we watch?" I ask her as she starts eating her food

"Hm.. (Favorite romance movie)?"

I nod and turn it on on the TV and lay beside her.

She puts her head in the crook of my neck looking at the TV with one eye as both of her arms wrap around my torso, I lay my head on hers and wrap one arm around her rubbing her head and the other runs her arm.

"This is so cheesy" I laugh a little as the main couples are confessing their love.

"Hey no cheesier than us" she laughs

"Fair" I shrug laughing.

"And A-Lan.."

"Yes love?"

"I'm going to Germany with my donor 2 days.."

My heart drops.

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎~𝐀-𝐋𝐚𝐧×𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫~Where stories live. Discover now