Code Lock

786 21 15

Wyatt's pov

We put 1200 in and..

Nothing happens.

"Ugh! What now?" A-Li asks.

"Wait...Willa, Wynter.. we can try our moonstones?" I ask them.

"Might as well" Willa shrugs. We put our moonstones up against it which causes it to spark a little. Then a piece of the ground goes up revealing stairs.

"Some of us should go some of us shouldn't."

Addison suggests.

"But safety in numbers?" Wynter asks.

"But what if we get caught or something!"

"Good point.."

"So who should go?" Bree asks. "Not me" she backs up.


"I'm going" A-Lan steps forward.

"We are too" me and Willa step forward and look at Wynter who backs up. "I'll be in the 2nd rescue mission so they'll still have wolf strength" she smiles.

"Eliza, we could use you just in case we need to hack something or you could hack to the phone again?" Addi suggests.

Eliza looks at me which makes me blush and she smiles. I smile back of course.

"So Addison, me, Willa, A-Lan, Zed and Eliza are going?" I ask and they nod.

"So A-Spen, A-Li, Bree, Bonzo, Wynter are staying?" A-Lan asks.


"You guys gonna be okay?" He asks A-Spen and A-Li.

"We'll be fine, we're gonna come if you need us later, Be safe" A-Spen responds and A-Li nods

We go down the stairs with Zed and Eliza ready to zombie out and me and Willa ready to Attack, and A-Lan and Addi have their Luma lenses out ready to do...whatever they can with them. I'm not sure what they really do.
cause they do a lot..

As we reach the bottom step we see a vampire staring at us. A-Lan walks up and the Luma Lense flashes then as the vampire is about to attack he does something else..

"Now they won't know we're here, we have to be careful though" he says

There's multiple mansions and we stare at them all in awe.

"Which one do we go to?" Zed asks.

Eliza pulls her phone since she must have sent the location from her computer to her phone. "Follow me" she instructs.

We follow her around trying to avoid running into any vampires.

It's dark down here but it's light above surface. Must have done it on purpose.

We get to the mansion and then we slowly open the door and peak our heads through.

We go to the room that the call came from somehow nobody found us.

We look around and see a guy. "Uhmm....who are you?" He asks as me and Willa became ready to attack him.

"I'm Y/n's sister, Addison"

Your pov

Liam and Troian are in my room beside me.

"Y/n, what's up?" Troian asks.

"I just miss them so much" I sigh standing up. "How about we have a fashion show to get your mind off things?" Troian suggests. "Yes!" I smile walking over to the closet

"I'll be back guys" Troian says walking out.

I grab a dress and go into the bathroom and put it on.

(If you don't want to imagine it so skin tight you can change it)

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(If you don't want to imagine it so skin tight you can change it)

I walk out laughing with it on. "Finally found something not red and black" I walk up to Liam and he laughs "I mean it's not bad" he says standing up laughing . He grabs my hand and spins me then dips me. We both start laughing. Until I hear..

"Seems like she's happy enough without us.."

That voice. I push Liam away and see blue hair running away. "A..A-Lan ." I see Zed, Wyatt, Willa, Eliza, And .. Addison all looking at me disappointed.

"How are you guys here?!" I ask going to hug Addison but she shakes her head "go after him!" She yells and I nod "A-Lan..?" I run the direction I saw him go.

He's sitting sadly against a wall.

"A-Lan...Lis-" he cuts me off.

"Y/n..what was that..."

"I'll explain but come with me he can't find you" I grab his hand and drag him into Troians room locking the door.


"I've been getting a lot weaker lately, and sad because of how much I've missed you guys so he was just trying to cheer me up. I would never cheat on you A-Lan, I promise, I love you and only you. Forever" I go to reach for his hand but he pulls me into a hug.

"I'm sorry for doubting you I just...I missed you so much y/n/n..."

"It's okay A-Lan..I get it probably looked weird I shouldn't have let him do that" I start coughing and falling to the ground.

"Hey what's wrong? What can I do to help?"

"Moonstone.." I say between coughs.

"Come one" he helps me up then grabs the door knob but it won't up. "'s locked" I say unlocking it laughing.

"Right- I knew that" he picks me up as I start coughing me again.

When we get back to everyone I quickly grab the moonstone from Addison and I pass out a few seconds later.

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎~𝐀-𝐋𝐚𝐧×𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫~Where stories live. Discover now