Getting zoey back

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Soon after A-Spen, A-Li and A-Lan show up.

I run up to A-Lan and hug him hiding my face in his neck and. One of his hands go behind my head stroking my hair and the other goes around my waist.

We just stand there like that for a bit as nobody is saying anything.

Then A-Li speaks. "Hey.. Don't worry guys, we will find her, and we'll vaporize those blood hungry monsters! "

"But how will we find her? " Zed asks still panicked.

"I don't know... But we'll figure this out" I pull away from A-Lan as he hugs me from behind putting his head on mine. I put my arms around his

"And that's a promise, where did the vampires want me to meet them? "

"At the lake in the forbidden forest, at 3 tomorrow, why?" Wynter says nonchalantly and totally clueless.

Wyatt hits her in the back of the head and then it hits her.

"You can't hand your self in to them! " Wynter now objects.

"I'm werewolf and alien, I'm sure I can fend for myself, I just want to get Zoey back, she's more important than me, so you guys can support me or you can object which will do no good" I grin.

"Y/n, I cannot lose you already" A-Lan says as hiss grip tightens
"You won't I promise, I'll be fine guys, I'm stronger than this remember? " I ask as they all nod.

"Fine.. " they eventually give in causing me to grin.

"Do you guys have a tracker? "

"Eliza does" zed chimes in.

"Wyatt, will you be a doll and call your girlfriend and get her here? " I ask.

"No, I don't want her involved in this! "

"She already is! They have her best friends little sister and they want to take me! "

"Whatever" he hesitantly grabs his phone.

He calls her and she's at the den in the next 10 minutes, Wyatt explained it all to her on the phone.

"Okay Y/n, with this tracker we'll always know where you are" she says putting it in your phone case.

"Thanks Eliza, I'll go into the morning for now I'm going to sleep, Willa wheres my room?"

"Can you stay with me tonight? " I whisper to A-Lan. "What do you mean? " he raise an eyebrow. "Y know, stay the night with me" I shrug and he's still confused but follows me anyway

Willa leads me into a room

Willa leads me into a room

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𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎~𝐀-𝐋𝐚𝐧×𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫~Where stories live. Discover now