Change of Heart?

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This will have 2k words at least I promise. To make up for  the last 2 short chapters. Hadn't been very inspired sorry!

We continue walking back to the mansion "I didn't think he'd kidnap me.. He seemed so sweet, I'm sorry for causing this trouble guys" I look down.

Troian puts a hand on my shoulder causing me to look at her.

"Hey it's Alex's fault to for throwing that party in the first place" she says smiling

"What did you say?! " he tells turning to her.

"You heard me. You just had to throw that party to brag. I may have been locked up but I'm not dumb! You wanted to brag about having the werewolves alpha but you had to kidnap an kid to get her! That makes you so cool right? " she sasses.

He slaps her.

"Hitting ladies? How disrespectful" Olivia says standing in front of me and Troian.

"I- I'm sorry Troian-"

"Whatever" we all walk into the mansion leaving Alex behind.

I fall to the ground coughing. "I'll be dead within the next 3 days at this rate"

"I'm sorry.. " Liam says sitting beside me and taking my hand.

"First time I've seen you show emotion" I slightly smile before coughing again.

"I'll take you to your room" He takes my hand helping me stand up "Someone get a glass of water"

"On it! " Daniel says running off.

"Olivia can you go talk to Alex? "

She nods.

"Troian... Can you make food? "

"What kind? "

"Uhm...spaghetti please.?"

She nods and runs off.

"Why are you helping me Liam? "

He just shrugs. "I feel bad you're going to die here"

"So you feel obligated? "

He just shrugs again.

"I apprecia-" I start coughing once again.

"-te it.. " when we get to my room and flop over on the bed. Not long after Daniel comes in and hands me the water.

Liam sits beside me on the bed and Daniel not to far away on the chair.

"I don't feel so good.. " I mumble into the pillow.

"Hey you'll be okay" Daniel tried being comforting.

"No I won't... I'll die here I'll never see my sister, boyfriend.. Friends.. Family.. Ever again" Tears start brimming my eyes daring to fall.

"What if we help get you out? " Daniel suggests.

"But Alex will kill us" Liam points out.

"We'll go with her then! "

"But he'll find us"

"Should we kill him..? "

Me and Liam eyes widen at Daniel as he shakes his head. "Sorry" he mumbles.

I face planted into my pillow trying to calm my mind.

"I'm taking a nap"

"I'll stay with you to make sure you're okay" Liam says standing up and moving to the chair as Daniel has just stood up. "Okay, I'll go talk to Troian. We'll bring the food to you" Daniel waves and walks out.

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎~𝐀-𝐋𝐚𝐧×𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫~Where stories live. Discover now