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A-Lans Pov

I grab Y/ns hand and suddenly...





The heart monitor Flatlines.. "no..no, no, no, no!"  I let go of her hand and run into the hall "We need some help here!! She flatlined!!" I yell as doctors flood the room.

I try to go in but one doctor stops me "Sorry sir you can't come in, wait in the waiting room"

"Clear!" One doctor yells.

I go into the waiting room and quickly grab my Luma Lense, which still works as a phone too with the additional features we have installed, and call Addison.

She answers "is something wrong?"

"Y/n flatlined ... The doctors are with her now" I say trying to choke back sobs.

I take a few deep breaths as Addi is trying to say something but I don't pay attention.

My breathing becomes heavy and my vision blurs.

I fall into a chair, I start trembling and my throat is now tight.

I begin to sweat and my heart rate is sky rocketing.

I sit down and try to take deep breaths but it isn't working.

"H-help.." I say not being able to breathe.

A doctor rushed over.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

Obviously not.

"I can-cant bre-athe" I manage to get out as the doctor kneels in front of me.

"Sir close your eyes and focus on your breathing. With me now. Slowly inhale through your nose" I slowly inhale.

"Now slowly exhale through your mouth"

I slowly exhale.

"Now repeat this"

I do this over and over until the doctor that said I had to wait here comes out.

Addis Pov

"Mom, dad! A-Lan called! Y/n flat lined we have to go!" They grab the keys dropping everything they had and running to the car.

We quickly drive to the hospital while I call Willa. She answers not long after "Hey Addi!"

"Y/n flatlined, I don't know how she is now but get to the hospital"

I hang up and call A-Li. I yell her the same thing as everyone else and soon we're all outside the hospital.

We rush in and see A-Lan with a doctor kneeling in front of him.

"A-Lan! What happened?" A-Spen asks.

"He had a panic attack" the doctor answers. "he's okay now but keep an eye on him" we all nod.

A-Lan shoots up and walks over to a doctor.

Mom and dad are talking to a lady at the front desk.

I walk up to A-Lan who's talking to the doctor.

I signal for mom and dad to come over since they're giving us updates on Y/n.

Willas Pov

I get a call from Addison. "Hey Addi!"

"Y/n flatlined, I don't know how she is now but get to the hospital!" She hangs up

I grab Wyatt and Wynter "Y/n flatlined we have to go now!" We start sprinting through the forbidden forest and into town.

When we get there some of the gang has started gathering in the front of the hospital.

When we walk in we see A-Lan there with a doctor in front of him.

"A-Lan! What happened?" A-Spen asks.

"He had a panic attack" the doctor responds "he's okay now but keep an eye on him" the doctor says causing us to nod.

A-Lan shoots up and runs over to a doctor. Not long after Addison, Missy and Dale soon walk over too.

I start pacing back and forth.

"Is she okay now? Is she dead?" I ask Wyatt who grabs me

"I'm scared too but you need to relax your giving us more anxiety then we already we have!" He says sternly

I stop pacing and stand beside Wyatt and Wynter.

Then A-Lan, Addison, Missy, and Dale all walk over.

Alex's Pov

(Yep~ not done with the vampires just yet~~)

Because of me an innocent life is in the hospital. She could be dead right now.

But she can't be,...she survived me and James...right?

So she has to be alive and recovering.

They'll never allow us- me to apologize.

But why should they? I'm a monster and the reason this is all happening..

I wouldn't let me near her if I was them either.

"Troian!" Go up and see how Y/n is and report back to me!"

"Yes sir.." she says walking out.

Troians pov

"Troian! Go up and see how Y/n is and report back to me!" Alex instructs.

"Yes sir.." I grab an umbrella and walk out.

I can't believe I have to do this for him.

Although I do want to see Y/n anyways. I walk to the hospital. When I get there..Y/ns friends are all glaring at me.

"You.." a green haired male says

I'm yet to learn there names.

I look at them all and they all look broken and are crying

"Because of you monsters Y/n is!-"

Get cliffhangered.

Is she dead...alive..

:) Find out next chapter~~

And dang I wrote this chapter fast!- wooohooo! 2 updates within the same hour~

Wooohooo! I'm so proud of myself rn wjdhhw

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