By a thread

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3rd person pov back with A-Lan, Addi, Dale, Missy and the doctor.

"She's hanging on a thread. We were able to save her but we don't know if she'll be okay..her awakening rate has went's now at 25% I'm so sorry guys. We're doing all we can, her being a werewolf losing her moonstone has weakened her alot. She should have gotten help sooner" the doctor says as walks away.

Addi walks off with Missy and Dale "so what really happened to her. There has to be more than that"

"How much time ya got?" Addi jokes before getting glares from her parents

"Sorry...uhm... vampires stole Zoey and said they wanted to the alpha or they wouldn't give Zoey back and so Y/n wouldn't listen and gave herself to them" Addi explains the whole story from what she knows..

(Not going into detail because you guys know what happened)

"Why didn't you tell us?!" Dale asks furious.

"We thought we could handle it...I'm so sorry" Addi says crying again.

"This wouldn't have happened if you would have told us Addison..but it's fine ... Nothing we can do now...we just have to hope she wakes up,.." Dale and Missy walk off disappointed.

Then Troian comes in.

(back to where we ended last chapter!)

Troians pov

"Because of you Y/n barely surviving! We're lucky the doctors Defibrillator worked or she'd be dead! She just flatlined, but you freaks don't care do you?" The same green haired male yelled at me.

"She ...flatlined ...? I--" I get cut off by a blue mid length haired girl holding something up that zaps me away.

I go flying out of the hospital since I was still holding the door open and my umbrella slips away

I get weaker by the second. I crawl to try and get my umbrella. I succeed but I'm still in pain.

The girl I've known as Addison runs out "are you okay?!"

"Why do you care.." I say annoyed trying to get up.

" careful..that wasn't okay, I'll talk to them I'm so sorry.. and you yourself are not a monster. You were there for my sister when we could be ... Be safe, okay?" She says as I walk away.

Addis Pov

I stork back in the hospital. "You guys are just as bad as them now. You could have killed her A-Li!" I whisper yell trying to not get yelled at for disturbing peace.

"Whatever" A-Li says walking away.

I go sit in a chair staring at the wall trying to not cry

We aren't allowed to see Y/n for 2 ,hours but I'm not leaving until then.

I almost lost my other half.

And Bucky is in space missing all of this.

A-Lan sits in the chair beside me. "Everyone has started going home..they'll be back in two hours when they can see her" he says.

"I'm waiting"

"Me too"

" are you holding up?Obviously not well but..wanna talk about it, you've shut everyone out for 2 weeks"

"Im so scared Addison. This all happened because I didn't protect her...I wasn't there for her... We should have thought of something else for a solution and she's be here joking with us right now.."

"Hey it's not exactly ..our fault..she would have done it either way, she's stubborn like that, I thought it was our fault too but then I thought about how y/n is. Don't blame yourself, she wouldn't like you doing that ok?"

"Thanks Addi...I just really miss her...I lost her for 3 days worried sick then I get her back just to lose her in a coma for 2 weeks so far...and she nearly died today..I just- I don't know.."

"I know A-Lan..I'm worried too... We just have to be strong for her... She can do this..she has too"

I wrap him in a hug which he hugs back as we both cry into each other's shoulders again.

Seems to be our thing recently.

We start joking bringing up the good times with her.

I tell him embarrassing stories of her because she can't kill me yet for it.

"One day she had headphones on and forgot we were in the store and she started singing and dancing in an aisle. It was so funny. Someone even recorded her" I tell him and we both start laughing

(Fun fact...this is a true story that happened to me)

The doctor comes out "You can go see Ms Y/n Wells now."

Me and A-Lan immediately stand up and go to her room.

This is the most I've ever written! Yay!! :)

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