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Did anyone know-

The next day

Zoey and Zed came to see me first thing.

"Hey Zo! Super Z-Man" I smile as they walk through the door.

"Hey Y/n/n! " Zoey as as she runs up to me and sits by my legs on the bed. Zed site in the chair.

"How have you been?" I ask as I move some of Zoey hair behind her shoulder.

"I feel bad and I've missed you Y/n, this wouldn't have happened if I wouldn't have got captured"

"Zoey no. It is not your fault so do not blame yourself. When I get out of here we'll so go for a frozen yogurt girls day out, okay? I promise" she hugs me lightly.

"Thanks Y/n, how have you been in here?" She asks

"Very weak, but I'm getting better! Dr Adleman has been quite helpful and A-Lan rarely leaves my side so it's nice to have him here. But there is one thing bad happening" I trail off at the end.

"What is it? " zed asks.

"I'm losing my werewolf side but my alien genes are developing" I try to not show sadness about it.

"I'm so sorry.. Anything we can do? "

"No.. It's okay! "

Then zed gets a phone call and walks away as one continue to talk to Zoey.

"Zoey, we have to go now, dad needs us"

"It was great seeing you guys! " I say as Zoey hugs me. "Bye y/n! "

Then Zed hugs me. "Bye zed" they both walk out and A-Lan and Dr Adleman walk in.

After another week

I haven't seen my donor father yet. Mom said he'd be here next week. The doctors have started trying to help me get used to walking around. I've started physical therapy. Twice a week. Hasn't been going well because I'm still weak right now.

(If you don't know what that is: the treatment of disease, injury, or deformity by physical methods such as massage, heat treatment, and exercise rather than by drugs or surgery.)

But I haven't seen the girl who flirted with A-Lan since that day! Dr Adleman has been coming in regularly for check ups.

And I still haven't told the werewolves...

I take a few deep breathes

"Y/n we have news.. " Dr Adleman says as he walks in.

"Yea..? "

"Your werewolf.. Is now fully gone... But you're almost a full alien.. I'd give it 3 more days.. I'm very sorry."

I sigh. "I knew it'd happen eventually.. " I touch where the mark was and A-Lan grabs my hand "I'm sorry love.. "

"I'll be back in later for a check up" Adleman says as he walks out.

"I don't know how I'm gonna tell Wyatt, Willa and Wynter.. And the pack.. The were-pups.. " I frown and A-Lan kisses my cheek. "It's okay Y/n..they'll still love you the same, werewolf or not. Alien or Human, they're your best friends, they will love you no matter what, I promise you that" he puts his forehead on mine.

"I'd be lost without you A-Lan" I smile and hug him.


Mr Adleman walks in. "I have good news!"

"I really need that.. What is it? "

"Well you should start feeling better now that the wolf is fully drained out, and your alien genes are developing quite fast now! " he hands me some papers with information on it.

I smile and look at A-Lan who's smiling wider than I am "so I can be getting out of here soon?! "

Mr Adleman looks at me "not that I don't... Totally enjoy every minute here" I say trying to not hurt his feelings.

"You should be able too. But getting out of here is good, my feelings aren't hurt don't worry. Although you definitely are an. Interesting patient"

(Imagine him speaking with like a British accent 😗)

"And you definitely are an interesting doctor" we both laugh.

"So how are you feeling now? " he asks getting ready to mark down the answers while sitting at the foot of the bed.

"Well" I shrug.

He continues asking questions while I hold A-Lans hand. He squeezes it protectively occasionally.

2 days later

"Y/n! You're alien genes have officially fully developed, you're a full alien now! Congratulations" Adleman says

"I've been feeling better lately too! "

"Keep up at this rate and we might be able to release you in a week to two week! " he waves and walks out.

"I'm so happy for you Y/n" A-Lan puts both of his hands around one of mine and kisses my cheek. "I can't wait to get out of here" I smile as he puts his forehead on mine again. "I love you more than anything else.. " He says causing me to blush.

"Even more than winning? "

"If I have you, I've already won everything.." He says which causes me to blush more before quickly kissing my lips.

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎~𝐀-𝐋𝐚𝐧×𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫~Where stories live. Discover now