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"She woke up! The docors called us and said she woke a few hours ago! " addi says.

A-Lans Pov

"Y/n...she woke up?! "

My eyes widen along with my smile. I jump out of bed "I'm on my way! "

"Wait-" I hang up on her and start sprinting to the hospital.

When I get there I'm panting but it's worth it.

Y/ns Pov

I wake up and look around. "Where am I..?' I rub my head.

" you're in the hospital sweetie.. You were in a coma and has a small chance to wake up.. It's a miracle! " a nurse says.

"How?.. "

"Well we were told you are a werewolf and lost your Moonstone and when you out it back on you passed out after getting severely sick" she explains.

"I.. Can I see my friends and family please..? "

"We aren't allowing anyone to see you yet, sorry hun"

"No.. I need to see them.. Please.. " I mumble the last part before falling asleep again.

A-Lans Pov

I walk up to addi. "Let's go see her" I start heading off towards Y/ns room but Addi grabs my hand to stop me.

"She can't have visitors yet that's what I was trying to tell you when I called.

"But.. We need to see her.. "

"Hey it's okay, we can see her when the doctors think she's okay. She's been through a lot and she needs time to be alone and recover"

"You're right I guess... At least she's awake" I sit in a chair in the waiting room.

The doctor walks out. I immediately shoot up beside Addi and Her parents. "When can we see her? "

"Tomorrow but family only, Sorry A-Lan" the doctor says.

I can't even see her... At least she's awake. I half smile "I understand, I'll let everyone know she's awake" I walk out of the hospital with my head down.

I get my luma lense and call the gc with everyone in it. Everyone answers. "Good news guys! Y/n is awake! But nobody except family can see her yet"

Everyone's eyes widen and smiles grow. "SHE'S AWAKE!? "



Willa starts crying happy tears.

" This morning, they called her family and they called me and I called you guys"

"When do you think we can see her? "

"No idea. But Addi can update us tomorrow" I smile widely.

Next day in Addis POV

As soon as it's visiting hours me, mom and dad are at the hospital in Y/ns room. They allowed 3 because of the occasion.

"Y/n! I'm so glad you're okay! " mom runs up to her and hugs her.

"Still not feeling well mom, but I missed you too" she laughs a little before coughing.

"How are you feeling? " I ask sitting beside her.

"Still weak... What happened to me Addi? Last thing I remember is I was with A-Lan then started coughing.. "

"Well.. You were coughing and A-Lan carried you over to us and then.. Well.. You out your moonstone on and blacked out"

"My mark was fading away.. Is it back yet? "

"It's still faded sweetie.. " mom says touching the alpha marking.

"I need to talk to A-Lan.. " she tries sitting up but falls back and coughs more. "You need to rest honey.. " dad says taking her hand.

"How is he..? "

"He never left your side until they made him leave when visiting hours ended and was always beat up about you being in a coma. He really loves you Y/n" I say which causes her to blush.

"How is everyone? "

"Well they're all torn up.. A-Lan told them you were awake yesterday and he told me they couldn't wait to see you"

She takes a few deep breathes with some tears falling down her cheek.

"I'm sorry I out you all through this.. This is all my fault if only I was stronger i-" I cut her off. "No y/n, don't blame yourself and don't say that. Just work on getting better! "

"I love you Addi"

"I love you too Y/n/n"

We hear sniffles and look at mom who is tearing up at our moment.

Which causes us both to laugh.

I exit the room and call A-Lan. He answers quickly "how is she? Is she okay?"

"She's... Not well. She's blaming herself for what happened and putting us all through this. I tried reassuring her but... She still feels guilty, and her alpha mark is still fading away, she is still coughing all the time too. Something is off. But she loves you A-Lan. I told her about how you never left her and she became a blushing mess but I could tell it meant a lot to her"

"Alpha mark is still fading and she's coughing.. Do you think she could be losing her werewolf powers from not having her Moonstone for some long?" He questions.

"But she didn't have it before? "

"Yea but once she had it on she became a werewolf permanently"

"Maybe.. But no hope not. She'd be heart broken.." I state looking at her

(Idea creds to: SpaceLoverGirl)

Y'all wanted her alive so here ya go I guess 🙄❤

Still might make a bonus chapter where she dies tho. Dunno yet.

I've started more books but not published them yet. I'm gonna wait til I finish them more.

Cause this book is still my main focus and I don't want to have to worry about the stress of publishing multiple chapters to each story

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