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If there's anything in this chapter that contradicts something that was said before that's my bad and please let me know respectfully.

It's been so long since I've updated lol sorry!

But here :)

Also I learned how to use apostrophes. Random fact but I'm so proud. Shout out to my amazing English teacher <3

"A-Lan, time to go meet the others"

I stand up and he groans.

I grab clothes and go into the bathroom to change.

(Imagine your clothes, hair, makeup and wtv as anything cuz I'm to lazy to find sumth, barely have motivation to write this)

I walk out and he's changed standing up still tiredly "You're so cute" I say giggling as I walk over moving some of his hair from his face as he puts his hands on my waist pulling me close and smother my face in kisses

"A-Lan!!" I say between giggles.

"You ready to go now?" He asks and I nod taking his hand, intertwining our fingers as I grab my bag and we walk out the door and to the park where we see Willa, Wyatt, Wynter, a few pack members, Addison, and Zed. "Hey guys!" I wave and run over to them dragging A-Lan.

"Where's A-Li and A-Spen?" He asks looking around.

"We're here!" A-Li says as they run up together panting. "Our alarms didn't go off...sorry" A-Spen apologizes.

"It's okay, where's Zoey?" I ask Zed.

"She said she'll meet up with you later for girls day" he shrugs and I nod.

"Where should we go first?" I ask with my head on Addi's shoulder as we all walk still holding A-Lans hand.

"We can go to the lake?" Wynter suggests.

"We need swimsuits" Willa replies

"Ooo shopping! Then lake! Please!" I grin excitedly.

"Okay okay, to the mall!" Addi replies and we start walking there since it isn't super far.

We're talking and laughing the whole way there.

When we get there we go into one of the stores and split off to find outfits.

"Ooo Addi this would look good on you!" I hold up a one piece swimsuit and she smiles "That's cute y/n! I'll try it on!" She smiles taking it from me.

"What should I get?" I ask her unimpressed with the outfits I'm seeing.

Wynter and Addi hold up outfits.

"Try these on!" Wynter says as I take both of the outfits "oooo ok!" I walk over to the dressing room and try on Wynters outfit first.


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I look at myself in the mirror playing with my hair a little. I shrug and walk out of the dressing room.

"Wynter, what do you think?"

I look and see Wynter, Addi, and A-Lan all staring at me.

A-Lan is blushing as he tries to avoid looking down.

What a gentleman.

I smile at him and then Addi says "It's cute! You look amazing!"

"I'm going to try yours now" I walk back in and try Addis on.

"I'm going to try yours now" I walk back in and try Addis on

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I walk back out and their jaws drop

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I walk back out and their jaws drop. "You look gorgeous!" Wynter beams looking at me smiling widely.

A-Lans jaw is still dropped as he continues blushing.

"Which do you prefer?" Addi asks me.

Short, kind of lame, update.

But yes anyway-

Which swimsuit do you prefer?

Personally I like the white one :)

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎~𝐀-𝐋𝐚𝐧×𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫~Where stories live. Discover now