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The  extra day each of my friends came in two by two, first it was Wyatt and Eliza.

They told me to go if I wanted too.

Then it was Willa and A-Spen. Cupertino cute couple by the way.

They said they didn't want me to leave. But if I felt it makes me happy then to go but I have to call them 3 times a week.

Then Wynter and A-Li.  (Opinions on that ship?)

They told me to go if I wanted but if I didn't want too and Donor dad kept being pushy then A-Li would vaporize him.

Which made us all laugh.

Zed and Addi encouraged me but they were kind of heart broken about it, I could see it in their faces.

gonzo and Bree came in and Bree said they both wanted me to follow my heart.

Then A-Lan and Zoey came in.

Zoey was sad hearing that I might be leaving and she made me promise that if I leave I can never forget them and we still get to have the girls day

How could I though?

A-Lan was heart broken at the idea after everything, but he said he'd support me if this is what I wanted.

It kind of hurt knowing that if I leave I could hurt him more. But this is kind of what I want... If I'm part German... I want to know more about it..

I take a few deep breathes as mom and dad walk in.

"Why didn't you need to see us so urgently? I was in the middle of a work meeting" mom says as she sits down in the chair while dad stands beside mom.

"Uhm" I hesitate.

"Yes honey?"

"What's up sweetheart? "

"Uhm... When I get released.. Donor dad... He uhm.. "

"He what honey? " mom asks.

"He wants to take me to Germany with him when I get released.. " I cuddle the alien stuffie closer, my anxiety running wild.


"No..? " I look at them and raise an eyebrow.

"No" they repeat.

"I'm not letting some stranger who turns out to be your donor father drag you across the world! " dad chimes in with his voice raised.

"I want too dad... It could be good for me! And it's only for a year... " I plead as they shake their head.

"You can't honey, I'm sorry, I love you but we won't let you go to a different country with him. I don't trust him... Yet atleast.. " mom says sympathetically

"Wha- mom! Im 18 now! Can't I technically do what I want!? " I groan annoyed.

"Y/n this isn't up for discussion! "

"Yes it is! I'm technically an adult and it's not like I'll miss out on college cause I didn't even get accepted, and now that I'm not a werewolf then I can't miss out on helping the wolves! " I yell infuriating at this point. I want to learn about my culture and not even my parents will accept that..?

"Whatever Y/n" they say as they stand up and walk out.

I can't believe them...

They should be happy for me!

A-Lan walks in looking confused "what happened.. Are you okay? " he asks walking up to me and I just nod looking at the wall.

"Y/n/n..." He puts one of his fingers under my chin and moving my head to look at him. "What happened love? Talk to me? "

"Uhm.. Mom and dad didn't want me to go... But I want too... I don't know.. " I shrug blushing.

"I'm sorry Y/n" He says kissing my cheek.

"It's fine.. I guess... But we kind of gotten into an argument so... "

"Anything I can do..?" I scoot over and Pat the spot next to me "just hold me.. Please.. "

He moves onto the bed beside me. I lay my head on his chest as he wraps his arms around me holding me close and pulling the blanket over us.

Cuddling in a hospital room... How romantic..

We start making jokes and he even takes my mind off what happened.

If I do go... I'm going to miss this.. Him..

I sigh looking up at him struggling to stay awake.

I giggle a little and kiss him. He kisses back "awake now? " I ask him and he nods. "For now"

I'm so sorry for the lack of updates! School started which means studying non stop (literally) with sports so I have to practice a lot so I don't totally suck.

And stress- so ykk...

But here :)

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎~𝐀-𝐋𝐚𝐧×𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫~Where stories live. Discover now