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The plane has landed and we are now in a Germany airport.

"So DD what now?" I ask him as we get our luggage.

"I'd much rather you call me Dad" he grabs his suitcase.

"Uhmm...I'll stick to donor dad. Dale will always be my Dad considering he raised me and offense since it's not entirely your fault"

"Fine..I have a home around here in Fussen that we can live in, but I live with my wife and her son"

I nod grabbing my suitcase and following him out to a car with a girl and a boy in it.

"Y/n this is my wife, Kilani and her son, Noah, guys this is my daughter Y/n"  DD introduces us.

"Nice to meet you Y/n!" Kilani says sweetly.

"Yea sure" Noah says not looking up from his phone.

"Same here" I smile getting in the back as DD gets up front.

"So tell us about you!" Kilani says enthusiastically looking at me through the mirror.

"Uhm...I'm Y/n Wells, I have a sister, Addison, The most amazing boyfriend ever, and I'm full alien now.."

"I thought you would have been werewolf like your dad?"

(Did I ever name DD? I don't remember lol)

I go silent and look out the window. "It's...a long story.." I say with a twinge of pain in my chest.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to pry" she apologizes

"It's okay"

I go on my phone and text Addi


Mini Me❤️
Addi! We just landed in Germany! It's so pretty here so far, but I guess DD has a wife and she's really sweet but her son....he's something else. But don't fret you'll always be my fav 😘
Sent: 4:17 pm

Ooo send pics of the sights! And he didn't mention that before right? And I better be your fav 🙄
Sent: 4:22 pm

Mini me❤️
Haha will do, and no he didn't but I don't it's okay! I'm excited to get to know her. I miss you guys tho 💗💗
Sent: 4:25 pm

Haha good luck sis. Sending love ❤️❤️
Sent: 4:27 pm

I click from her contact and close my phone as we pull up to the house.

"What is this a mansion?" My jaw drops seeing how big it is and they just laugh.

I open the door and grab my suitcase waiting for everyone.

We enter the house "So where is my room?" I ask looking at DD

"Noah will show you, it's down the hall from his"

I nod and Noah rolls his eyes "Follow me" he goes up 2 flights up stairs to a long hallway.

"Your room is here, if you need me you don't know where to find me" he walks off and I laugh awkwardly opening the door.

I enter the room and throw my suitcase on the floor jumping on the end to call my mom.

Calling Momma🥰
Ongoing call... 0:30

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎~𝐀-𝐋𝐚𝐧×𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫~Where stories live. Discover now