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Nobody said anything about which swimsuit so you can imagine it as what youre most comfy in

"Which one are you gonna get? You look great in both!" Wynter and Addi both say in sync.

"I'll get.." I think for a minute and walk back into the dressing room.

I change back into my normal clothes and hold up one of the swimsuits. "This one!" I smile at them.

"It look amazing on you!" Wynter beams.

"Yes, I liked them both but this one I feel more confident in!" I grin as I hang the other one up for the workers to put back.

(This isn't mean but usually they have a pppsign telling you to do that! Around my area atleast)

A-Lan is still blushing and I walk over to him and kiss his cheek. "You okay there?" I laugh a little when he shakes his head fast and smiles "yep, all good, you just looked too beautiful" he grabs my waist and attaches our lips together.

"Keep it PG" Willa says walking past us.

I pull apart laughing and he kisses my head. "So what are you gonna get?" I ask ruffling his hair.

"Blue swimsuit trunks...I guess" he shrugs.

"It'll match your hair" I smirk as Addi pulls me away up to the Register.

"Just this for you today!" The male sales clerk asks as Addi puts our swimsuits on the counter for him to scan and take the tags off.

"Yep!" Addi smiles as she pulls her wallet out

"Woah Addi, I can pay for mine, it's probably expensive!" I try to stop her but her she shakes her head "hey I got you sis " she grins nudging me.

"Your total is $89.76" he says to Addi.

She pulls out the money and hands it to him. "And could I possibly have your number?" He asks her as she grabs the swimsuits and hands me mine.

"I have a boyfriend" she misses an eyebrow.

"He doesn't have to know" he winks.

We stop and stare blankly.

Then Zed is behind Addi. "Well he does and she's taken so back off." Zed says taking Addis hand and walking the other way.

I roll my eyes "What is wrong with you? She literally said she has a boyfriend! Creep" you glare at him. "Are you jealous hot stuff?" He teases

"Get a life you creep! I have a boyfriend too, and just to be clear I'm reporting you for harassment" I shoot him another glare and walk over to A-Lan taking his hand and putting My head on his shoulder.

After a few minutes everyone is ready to go and we're heading out of the mall.

30 mins later

We get to the lake finally.

(Not you and A-Lans spot ofc)

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(Not you and A-Lans spot ofc)

"Surprised there's no one here today, that's convenient!" I smile skipping up to the fire area and setting stuff down.

Once we're all ready A-Li, A-Spen, and Zed get in slowly.

3rd person pov

Willa, Wynter and Addi jump in.

I'm walking up to the lake slowly with A-Lan, "lakes will always reming me of our first two hour relationship" you joke laughing.

"That was... interesting" he laughs with you until you get there and look at him smiling.

Before pushing him into the water which he drags you with him, provided he is holding your hand.

Everyone starts laughing and splashing eachother, just having fun.

"Where's Bree, bonzo, and Eliza?" You ask Addi.

"They'll be here later for the bonfire, I had just told Bree about it and they were hanging out and had to finish something" she shrugs.

"Okay, I'm gonna leave a little early to hang with Zoey then bring her to the bonfire" you inform everyone and they all nod and smile

Another decently fast update! Wooohooo!

Short but better than nothing?

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎~𝐀-𝐋𝐚𝐧×𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫~Where stories live. Discover now