The Letter

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(This will be your main fit, hair, nails, and make up, along with the alien marking on the side of your left eye and a small moon tattoo on your right cheek for the wolves, fangs and the alien wrist thing)

(This will be your main fit, hair, nails, and make up, along with the alien marking on the side of your left eye and a small moon tattoo on your right cheek for the wolves, fangs and the alien wrist thing)

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(You can change it if you want but you get the idea :) )

~The day after Graduation in Y/ns pov~

"Addison!! " I run into her room with an envelope.

She wakes up and groans "what is it" she asks stretching.

"I have a letter from mountain college! "

"Y/n! Open it! " she jumps to my side

I take a deep breath and hold it tighter. "I can't, you do it" I hand Addi the letter.

She shrugs and opens it reading it.

You look at her in suspense watching her face drop.

"Y/n I'm... So sorry.." I take the letter from her in a panic and read it.

I can feel water filling up the bottom of my eyelids and my lips begin to tremble.

Dear Y/n Wells,

Thank you for expressing interest in
Mountain college, the admission committee has given careful consideration to your application.

You have been a competitive applicant but however there have been other applicants who have similar qualifications applying this year. Therefore, any others have been turned away as well.

You may apply for this class again next
year. We thank you again for your interest in our college. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

Mountain college admission

The committee has considered it and we
cannot place you in our first year class.

I read that over and over I blink and the tears start streaming down my cheeks then pouring uncontrollably.

"I'll call the group" Addi says grabbing her phone as I fall against the wall, my back sliding down it hiding my face in my knees.

"I'm not exceptional. I'm not smart, I'm not talented. I'm nothing"

After making the calls Addi comes over and side hugs me.

Not long after A-Lan and Zed rush in along with Zoey.

"Y/n.." A-Lan sits down beside me. I put my head on his shoulder as he wraps his arms around me putting his chin on my head.

Then Willa, Wyatt, Eliza, and Wynter come on with Bree and bonzo following soon after.

Then A-Li and A-Spen come in.

"I'm sorry guys.. Because of me we won't be going to college together. I've ruined the plans." Another tear falls feeling like I failed everyone.

The aliens have applied to college last minute but we're waiting to find out if they got in or not. They have passed all the courses. It's like skipping every grade and going straight to senior year.

"You didn't ruin anything Y/n. Just because you didn't get accepted to mountain college doesn't mean you ruined anything" Zed says trying to comfort me.

"We can always hang out during holidays, on the weekend's, it's not to far from here anyway" Willa says smiling.

"Are you guys not mad..? " I wipe my tear stained cheek

"Nobody is mad at you Y/n, if anything we'd be mad at mountain college because they are missing out" A-Lan says moving some fallen hair from out of your face.

"Yea" A-Li says agreeing.

"And I know what you were thinking as your sister Y/n" Addi takes my hand in hers. "And you are exceptional. You're smart and talented, don't let one rejection letter tell you otherwise" Addison finishes, everyone nods agreeing.

"I love you guys" I stand up hugging them all in a group hug.

A-Lan takes the letter from me and hands it to A-Li who vaporizes it smiling.

"Willa..would have it even been okay to go to college.. Since I have to take care of the pack and all"

"Yea, it's be like being at school, and we have the Moonstone now and we can fight for ourselves but we'd come back to check up on them every now and then" Willa shrugs.

It goes silent for a bit

"So Y/n what are you going to do for college? " A-Spen asks.

"I'm not going, I only applied there because it's the only place I wanted to go" I look down somewhat embarrassed.

"Oh.. Okay then" they respond.

"At least I can stay and take care of the pack and mom and dad" I smile. "And like you guys said I'll still see you guys often"

A-Lan wraps his arms around you from behind you.

(Like that)

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(Like that)

You smile as he kisses your head.

"I'm gonna go take a nap guys" I yawn. "Crying is hiring" I laugh.

"See you later Y/n, need anything done be afraid to call" Wyatt says before hugging me.

He then pulls away and waves walking out of the house, Willa, Wynter, A-Spen, A-Li following.

I quickly kneel down to hug Zoey as she happily hugs back. "I'll see you later Zoe"

"Bye Y/n! " she waves as I walk out of the room.

A-Lan follows me out of the room and down to the front door.

I quickly kiss his cheek waving him off and running up to my room to sleep.

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎~𝐀-𝐋𝐚𝐧×𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫~Where stories live. Discover now