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"This was fun A-Lan" you get out of the water laughing.

"It was" he gets out too.

"We should probably head back, to go to the cheer off" you say shaking off like a dog.

"Yea probably" A-Lan says using alien magic to dry off then drying you off.

"I have to go meet up with the wolves, good luck tonight" you say grabbing your clothes and running off with them in hand.

When you get to the den you put your clothes on before walking in "Hey wolves!" You walk in waving getting tackled by some were-pups.

"Hey Y/n/n" Wynter says as the pups run off. "Hey Wynter, where is Wyatt and Willa?" You ask as she helps you up.

"We've decided to look for the great alpha, they have to be here somewhere" Wynter says putting an arm on your shoulder.

"but why?"

"We don't have a real reason, we just want to find the great alpha because they are ... Well...the great alpha " she shrugs.

"Oh..well will you guys be at the cheer off? I need my biggest supporters~" you smile hugging her.

"Of course! Wouldn't miss it for the world! Besides we need to keep an eye on those aliens anyway.." she rolls her eyes.

"They aren't that bad Wynter" you chuckle.

"I don't trust them. And neither should you" Willa says walking up to you crossing her arms.

"We know you like that A-Lan kid but they aren't to be trusted!" Wyatt says baring his fangs.

"Oh calm down guys, I don't think they want to do anything bad" you shrug

"There is no way they came here just for cheer! They're up to something." Willa says growling.

"Whatever. Can I help you look for the great alpha?" You smile widely awaiting a response.

"Yea of course" Wynter says wrapping an arm around you.

"you are apart of our pack, even if you aren't a werewolf, therefore you can do almost anything we do, we're family" he nudges your arm with his elbow and grabs your hand.

"Do we have any clues to find who it is?" I ask Willa.

"Well not really. Wolf instincts is what we have to go off"

"Or we can just put the necklace around everyone neck til we find them" I say sarcastically laughing.

"Not a bad idea, then we'll know!" Wynter says smiling as Willa shakes her head.

"I have to go off to the Cheer off now to prepare, I'll see you there guys " you wrap the three in a group hug before waving and running off.

"so is there a chance she could be the alpha?" Wynter asks

"Yea..But then again anyone can be" Willa says turning and walking away.

You go find Addison looking at the trophy grinning.

"Addi, what are you doing?" You ask raising an eyebrow

"Uhm, just admiring the beautiful trophy we're gonna win" she grins.

"Okay, but you'll never guess what!" You say happily.

"What happened y/n/n?" She asks turning to you.

"A-Lan likes me back! We started dating then we broke up after an hour" you say awkwardly.

"Wha- I thought you'd last longer than that. Why'd you break up?" She asks taking your hands in hers.

"Because he said they'd be leaving soon and didn't want to start something we couldn't finish" you say sadly.

"I get it tho Y/n, they're probably leaving tonight or tomorrow morning" she says sympathetically.

'if either of us win that trophy atleast' she thinks to herself.

You exhale a big breath and hug her. "I love you Addison, I don't know what I'd do without you" you say smiling as she hugs back.

"You're the best sister ever Y/n/n, I love you too" she pulls away.

"You ready to win tonight?" She asks and you grin. "Always!" You smile widely

"Oh also the wolves are looking for the great alpha, have any ideas who it could be?" You ask her.

"Could it be you? You're close with them, you're a leader, you helped them find the moonstone, you love night time and you're super fast and strong." She shrugs.

"But you weren't the great alpha so how could it be me?"

"I'm also an Alien and we have no idea if you are or not"

"I don't know..I guess it's a possibility but it isn't likely" you shrug and take her alien luma lenses.

"Is this what halped you develop your alien powers?" You ask her and she nods.

"It's cool" you try lifting it with your mind like how they do but it doesn't work.

you smile and shrug handing it back to her.

"I guess we'll never know if I'm alien or not though" you skip off with her behind you.

"You can ask the aliens for one, we have the same grandmother so you might have gotten the alien genes?" She asks and you shrug. "I guess"

"Well let's get ready for competition " you walk off.

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎~𝐀-𝐋𝐚𝐧×𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫~Where stories live. Discover now