My lover?

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I slept in my trailer the next night, and when i woke up, i could hear alot of people working outside, getting the set ready for me and the rest of the cast. I dragged myself out of the bed, and put on some black skinny jeans, that to be hounast really made my ass look good.

I took an aple out of the refrigerator, and ate it while i was walking towards my dressingroom. I was really looking forward to work with Sarah, Kathy and Angela again, that was the only thing i could think of, other than the facts that Danny is coming back, i really couldnt believe that he had the guts to come back her.

All day of shoting the only thing i could think of was Danny... I tried to think of something else when the cameras was on, and i kind of manage to do that, and i felt that the fotage became quit good, eventhough my thaughts was at a different place than they should.

When i was done filming for the day, i headed of to my dressingroom. And on the way i met Sarah. She looked deeped at me with those darkbrow eyes. "What's bothering you Jess?" She said concerned. "Oh, bothering me? Haha, nothing I'm fine", she looked at me again with those eyes. "No, really Sarah I'm fine, I'm just a little tired... That's all!" I said with a huge fake smile on my face. "Jessie? Don't take this the wrong way, but i have heard about Danny, and i know that you guys had something going on last season. And i really understand that that can be hard for you!!" She said softly puting her hand on my shoulder. "Oh, no no, that was a whole year ago, I'm over him, really I am" I said while Sarah was kind of reading my soule. I tried so hard not braking out in tears, and i could slowly feel my eyes being filled with tears. "Jess, talk to me!!?" Sarah said with a really sad face. "Its not that i love him, because i don't!.......not anymore! I actually hate him, i hate him for what he did to me. And i don't think i am going to be able to stay in the same room as him without wanting to hitt him hard in his face" i said while my tears rolled down my cheek. Sarah stayed with me for a while and she said some really encouraging things, and as always she really made me laugh!


For the next eight days, i really felt great. I managed to get Danny out of my head, and i just had a really great time shoting. After shoting some scenes from the sirkus, Ryan yealled at me. "Jess! Can you come over to my trailer pleace?". I thought we were going to talk about some of my musical numbers, because we had not even recorded those. So i just walked over to his place, the door was still open, and i got in and sat down in his sofa.

Ryan came out of his bathroom. When he saw me, his eyes got wider. "Oh, great Jess. We need to talk?" He said serious. "Talk about what?" I said concerned. "The signing?" I contiuded. Ryans eyes suddently fell down to the grown, and it took a while before he had his eyes on me again. "No! You remember i told you Danny is coming back right?". If i remember, hell yeah, i was thinking. "Yes, why?" I shouted. "Because.... well... I didnt wanted to tell you this the last time.. I was a little afraid of what your reaction is going to be" he said even more concerned. "For christ's sake, just tell me!" I said with a fake smile on my face. "Jesus Jess! Well Danny is going to play and old lover of Elsa!" He said taking a step closer to me. He tried to put his hands on my shoulders, i just puched him away. "what!!! Really Ryan??" I said angry ass hell. "I'am sorry Jess, but you two guys had such great cemestrie last season. And i really think Danny will be great for this part". My first thaughts were just to leave, i didnt even wanted to continue doing this season. But I didnt wanted that shit to ruining this for me either. "Well, i am sure there's nothing i can do about it" i said while i tried to put out a little laugh. Ryan just laught at me. i didnt knew how to continue after that, so i just said "really its Ok Ryan. I'am an Actress for christ's sake". Ryan gave me a hug, a kind of "I appricate it" hug. "I send over my assistent with the scrip, so you can read it before Danny arrives". He said with a big smile on his face. "That's great" i said pretending that i really did care.

After a couple of hours, a man was knocking on my door, holding the script. I layed down in my bed, and started to read it, and the script was really great, until i saw the words "sex scene". What thah Fuck, i was thinking. Ryan is really pushing this to fare. I am not pretending to have sex with Danny!

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