Where is my baby?

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When we arrived in LA we took a cab, and drove over to Anjelica's apartment, located in downtown LA...

"...Oh my god, look at this little princess!" Anjelica screamed in a high-pitched voice, when we walked into her enormous apartment. "Well a big hello to you too!" Danny laughed sarcastically, before Anjelica carefully picked up Louisa, and kissed her chubby cheeks.

"...Ohh it's so great to see all of you.......!" Anjelica said with a big smile, before she gave me a big hug and then Danny. "....It's great to see you too! and thank you so much for doing this for us!" I said with a little smile, while I looked over at Louisa, and felt a big lump building up in my throat. I knew that we had to leave very soon, since I had to start doing my makeup and hair. "The plessure is on my side, I cant wait to spent some time with this little angel.." Anjelica said while she played with Louisa's hand, while the baby was looking at her with big eyes.

"...You okay baby?" Danny asked with a concerned voice, when he saw the sudden change in my face. I looked up at him, and I wanted to cry. I had never been like that before I got Louisa, but it always made me sad when I was leaving her. "....It's just we have to go now Danny..." I said while I walked over to Anjelica who was still holding the baby, and I kissed Louisa's cheek. "....Okay be a good girl for your auntie.... And we will see you tomorrow." I said with a baby voice, before I kissed her little hand.

After we had said goodbye to Louisa and Anjelica, we walked over to the elevator. Danny gave me a kinky smile, before he pushed the button. Just when the door closed he moved closer to me, and pushed me into the wall, and placed a hard kiss on my lips. I could feel his tongue entering my mouth. "....Danny stop.... We...." I started, but Danny cut me of by placing kisses down my neck. "....Ahhh god!" I moaned. Danny wrapped his big arms around my waist, and pushed himself all close to me "....Jesus I can't wait to have you all by myself tonight!" Danny whispered in my ear, before he placed his soft lips on top of mine again..... "I can't wait either.... But for now get the hell away from me, so we can get to the hotel and get ready....!" I said with a laugh before I carefully pushed Danny away from me...

When we got to the Hotel both got ready. I was wearing a red and black dress, black heals, curly hair and smoky eyes. When I got out from the bathroom, Danny was sitting at the end of the bed in his beautiful grey tuxedo, and looking at me with wide eyes, and a smile grew big on his face "Well hot damn!" He said with a sexy and deep voice, before he stood up and carefully placed his big hands on my hips and kissed my soft lips.

We hurried down to the lobby where we met Sarah, Kathy, Evan, Ryan, Emma, Angela and Denis. "Shit Jessica! I can't believe you just got a baby!?" Sarah said while she gave me a hug, and looked down at my body. "Thank you honey! You look great!" I said while I was blushing. Sarah smiled before she said ".....I can't wait to get really drunk with you tonight...... Finally... It has been months....." With an excited voice, while she was jumping up and down making everybody laugh.

When we got into the limousine, everybody was laughing and having a great time, when I suddenly felt Danny's hand making it's way up my thigh. I gasped before I carefully placed my hand on top of his and stopped him from moving further up. I leaned all close to Danny and carefully whispered "You horny bastard!" With a little laugh, before I bit his ear, making him jump in surprise, which turned Sarah's attention over to us ".....Uhhh get a room you too!" She said pretending to be annoyed. I just gave Danny a look before we connected our hands "...Believe me we will tonight!" Danny said with a smirk, before I playfully slapped his face, making everybody around us laugh.

When we arrived at the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, a lot of people stood waiting at us, taking pictures with their phones, and waving with pictures they wanted us to sign...

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