I'm so happy

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I woke up seeing Danny holding our little baby in his arms, sitting close to my bed. "...Oh... god morning honey....!!" Danny said with a soft voice, when I opened my eyes......before he gave me a soft kiss, still holding the baby. "....God morning you two!" I said with a low and tired voice..... Suddenly the baby started to cry, and Danny carefully handed her over to me. "I think someone is hungry!" He said with a baby voice, before I quickly pulled out my boob, and carefully placed her mouth close to my nipple, and she started sucking immediately "... Oh.... were you hungry for Mommas milk??" I said with a cute little voice, while I was stroking her head. "...Well then... there's two of us!!" Danny said with a sexy look on his face, while he was looking closely at my boob, while his daughter was eating... I quickly slapped his arm with my hand, while I said "Be quite.... I have just given birth!!" While I was laughing. "You just look amazing Jessie...!! You are really glowing!!" He said before he gave me a quick kiss, and than cuddled with the baby's hand. "...Oh, Danny you don't need to charm me!!" I said while I was rubbing our baby girl's back. "....Babydoll I'm just telling you the truth!! That's all!!" He smirked.

"And by the way Jessie!!!...... Sarah, Ryan, Kathy and our siblings were wondering if they could come for a quick visit today.......... But I told them that you probably wouldn't be up for that!!" He said while he stroked my leg. "Oh, no, no that would be great..... I can't wait to show her to or family and friends!!! I said with excitement in my voice. "Oh, are you sure?.... It's important that you relax, and take it easy..... if you are too tired, they can just come another day!" Danny said with a concerned expression on his face.... I just laughed at him while I said "No, Danny I'm fine..... I feel great!"... Danny just looked at me with big eyes, before he bent down and gave me a soft kiss.... "Well, I'll go call them then!" Danny said with a cute voice, before he turned around, heading towards the door.

"But Danny?" I asked with a soft voice...Danny slowly turned around and looked at me.. "Yeah babydoll?" He answered with a soft voice...."Are we going to give her the name we have been discussing?" I asked with a little smile, while I looked down at our little baby girl who was now fast asleep, on my chest.... Danny slowly looked over at me, before he moved closer to me, and carefully stroked his hand over the baby's head.... I just smiled at how sweet he was, before Danny looked up at me again and said "If you want to call her that!..... I want to call her that!!" Danny said with a little smile..."Danny, I'm not the one, that have to take all the decisions!!" I said with a soft voice, trying not to seam frustrated, while I carefully looked down at the baby....."Honey, I love the name!!!" he said with a soft voice.... I just looked up at him, and I couldn't help it but smile "Okay, then we call her that then!!!" I said with light voice... Danny stretched his arm over to my face, and placed his hand on my cheek, and said "That's perfect!!" and I felt a warm feeling going through my whole body, when he touched me like that.... I slowly placed my hand on top of his, before I kissed his hand, and looked up at him with tears in my eyes..... I was so happy... being able to be with the love of my life, and now we have gotten a little girl, a perfect baby... "Jessie, why are you crying?" Danny asked while he carefully sat down in the chair beside the bed... I just smiled up at him before I answered "I'm so happy, that's why I'm crying" With a low voice, before I looked down at the baby, sleeping peacefully in my arms.... "Me too!!...... I really can't believe that we made her!" Danny said while he looked down at the baby with love in his eyes. I just smiled at him, before I wiped the tears away.... "I love you so much Jessica.... Only you and our little princess" He said with a soft voice, before he gave me a hard passionate kiss....."I love you too!!" I said with a soft smile, before Danny walked out the door, and called our closest friends and family.

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